Roger Clarke’s Presentations List© Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, 1995-2024 |
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This page is a companion to the list of video-presentations and the photograph collection.
This page helps me keep track of where I presented what. The list covers the period since I returned to consultancy in mid-1995, and involves over 350 public appearances in the 27 years to late 2022, or c.13 p.a., in about 90 locations in 25 countries. This includes c.15 Keynotes, in 9 countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Austria, Sweden, Slovenia, Spain and Japan). The page contains little on the preceding decade (1984-94), which I spent as a senior academic at the ANU, and which also involved a great many presentations in universities in Australia, Europe and North America, at academic conferences, and at commercial venues.
7 Feb Canberra AU
Technology Impact Assessment in the Context of Peace and Stability (Workshop Presentation, ANU?, virtual)
4 Dec Canberra AU
Multi-Stakeholder Risk Assessment of Socio-Technical System Projects (Paper, ACIS'24, UCan) and supporting slide-set
4 Dec Canberra AU
Recognise, Evaluate and Address The Downsides of GenAI (Panel Session, ACIS'24, UCan) and supporting slide-set
10 Sep Canberra AU
The Authentication of Textual Assertions, and slide-set (Presentation and Workshop, IS Foundations Workshop, ANU College of Business)
15 May Canberra AU
Regulatory Alternatives for AI and Robotics, and slide-set (LLM Course in AI, Law and Society, ANU College of Law)
15 May Canberra AU
AI and Robotics: The Threats, and A Reconception, and slide-set (LLM Course in AI, Law and Society, ANU College of Law)
27 Feb Canberra AU
Impact Assessment as a Part of Doing Business and slide-set (Impact Assessment Workshop, ANU College of Law)
8 Dec Wellington NZ
Access Control in the Era of Active Artefacts: A Generic Theory of Authorization to Support IS Practice and Research (Australasian Conference in IS — ACIS'23) and the slide-set
6 Dec Wellington NZ
How Confident are We in the Reliability of Information? A Generic Theory of Authentication to Support IS Practice and Research (Australasian Conference in IS — ACIS'23) and the slide-set
6 Dec Wellington NZ
Lifelong Learning: University-Industry Collaboration as a Tool for Upskilling and Reskilling (Panellist's Notes, Australasian Conference in IS — ACIS'23)
29 Aug Sydney AU
The Long Overdue Re-Conception of AI and Robotics (UNSW AI, Kensington), the slide-set, and the video
13 Jul Canberra AU
The Re-Conception of AI and Robotics as Complementary Artefact Intelligence and Augmented Capability (ANU School of Computing) and the slide-set and the video-recording
27 Jun Bled SI (presented remotely)
The Theory of Identity Management Extended to the Authentication of Identity Assertions (Bled, 36th Bled eConference, by Video-streaming), the video-recording and the slide-set
2 November Phoenix AZ US (remote)
Beyond the Business Case: Multi-Stakeholder Risk Assessment (Public Interest Technology - PIT, Arizona State Uni, by video-streaming), due to appear on the ASU PIT YouTube channel
20 October St Louis MO (remote)
Future Studies: Of What, For Whom, and How? Examples from Research into the Surveillance Society (Notes for an Interview, Masters Seminar on 'Futures Studies in IS')
19 October Canberra AU
Surveillance and Privacy and slide-set (U3A Current Affairs, Ainslie, live)
1 August San Jose CA US (remote)
Consumer-Oriented Social Media: Key Features, What's Held It Up, How We Get It and slide-set and prerecorded video of the session (IEEE Int'l Symposium on Digital Privacy and Social Media, San Jose)
28 June Bled SI (remote)
A Reconsideration of the Foundations of Identity Management and the slide-set (Bled, 35th Bled eConference, by Video-streaming)
7 June Ho Chi Minh City VN (remote)
40 Years of I.T. and A.I. and What It Means for the Next 20 Years, and the slide-set, and the video-recording (Distinguished Lecture to the Young Southeast Asia Leaders Initiative of Fulbright University Vietnam, by Video-Streaming)
1 June Vienna AT (remote)
Evaluating the Impact of Digital Interventions into Social Systems: How to Balance Stakeholder Interests, and the slide-set (International Digital Security Forum, by Video-streaming)
10 December Sydney AU (remote)
A Platform for a Pragmatic Metatheoretic Model for Information Systems Practice and Research (Refereed Paper, ACIS'21), plus slide-set
11 August Phoenix AZ USA (remote)
A Dataveillance Retrospective: 1986-2021 ('Data-, Sous-, Ueberveillance' Panel, in the AAG GeoEthics Series), plus slide-set and 6-minute video-presentation
29 June Bled SI (remote)
A Simulation Model for COVID-19 Public Health Management: Design and Preliminary Evaluation (34th Bled eConference), slide-set and speaker's notes
26 May Canberra AU (remote)
Constitutional Reform Working Group, and slide-set (ACS Congress)
13 May Canberra AU (remote)
Data Protection & Data Privacy (ANU RSCS Comp2420/6420), pre-recorded .mp4, and slide-set
12 May Melbourne AU (remote)
Why do we need an Australian Privacy Foundation? (For Deakin Uni.)
31 March Canberra AU (remote)
IT and Data Ethics (ANU RSCS Comp2420/6420), pre-recorded .mp4, and slide-set
18 February Wollongong AU (remote)
How is Society to Risk-Manage the Threats Inherent in Applications of AI to Cybersecurity?, and slide-set (SINS'21)
10 February Sydney AU
Candidate's Presentation for ACS National Congress Rep (ACS Congress)
29 January Brussels BE (remote)
A Comprehensive Framework for Regulatory Regimes as a Basis for Effective Privacy Protection and slides and video-presentation (CPDP'21)
30 November Adelaide AU (remote)
Do Ethical Guidelines have a Role to Play in Relation to Data Analytics and AI/ML? (AiCE Conference), and slide-set, and video'd presentation
16 November Phoenix AZ USA (remote)
The Visualisation of Virtual Surveillance (For a Panel Session, discussing Stare into The Lights My Pretties), and slide-set
12 October Canberra AU
Managing Data Risk: A Consultant's Guide (ANU Cyber-Law Program), pre-recorded video, and slide-set DEFERRED DUE TO COVID-19 ...
29 June Bled SI
RegTech Opportunities in the Platform-Based Business Sector
(Bled eConference), but video-presentations were cancelled
19 June Sydney AU (remote)
Invited Statement to ACS Congress re Governance and the New Constitution, live video-conference presentation, and slide-set
22 May Canberra AU (remote)
Data Protection & Data Privacy (ANU RSCS Comp2420/6420), pre-recorded .mp4, and slide-set
11 May Canberra AU (remote)
Managing Technology-Associated Risk (ANU Cyber-Law Program), pre-recorded .mp4, and slide-set
22 April Canberra AU (remote)
IT and Data Ethics (ANU RSCS Comp2420/6420), pre-recorded .mp4, and slide-set
20 April, Canberra AU
A Smorgasbord of ICT Research Techniques
(Uni Canberra IT Postgrads) DEFERRED DUE TO COVID-19 ...
———— Beginning of the Long COVID-19 Lockdown Period ————
14 February, Melbourne AU
Digital Rights Ecosystem Workshop (RTA, DRW, ACF,
28 October, Sydney AU
NetThing Event
18 June, Bled SI
Beyond De-Identification:
Record Falsification to Disarm Expropriated Data-Sets (Bled eConference),
and slide-set
30 April, Estoril PT
IoT events
(Consumers Int'l Summit/ ISOC)
13 September, Canberra AU
The Critical Analysis of Published Works:
How to Establish a New Research Technique in the IS Discipline?
and slide set (25MB!) (ISF Workshop, ANU)
2 August, Adelaide AU
The Ethics and Law of Privacy in the Digital Age
and slide-set (National Science Week Event, Uni SA)
2 August, Adelaide AU
The Responsible Application of Data Analytics
and slide-set (D2D CRC)
26 July, Sydney AU
Guidelines for Responsible Data Analytics (UN Privacy Rapporteur Event, UNSW, Sydney CBD)
19 July, Canberra AU
Participant's Notes (Forum re auIGF, Hotel Kurrajong)
18 July, Canberra AU
How did we let the Digital Surveillance Economy come into existence?
And what can we do about it?, and
slide-set (for ATSE, University House, ANU)
19 June, Bled SI
Towards Responsible Data Analytics: A Process Approach
(Bled eConference, with Kerry Taylor)
(2 May, Sydney AU)
Researcher Perspective in the 'Basket of 8' IS Journals:
A Weakness in Disciplinary Scope? (Seminar, Uni Sydney IS, by co-author Robert Davison)
13 April, Sydney AU
Governing Digital Plaforms (Provocations for a Panel Session, at Uni Sydney)
22 November, Sydney AU
Cyberspace, the Law, and our Future (Special Issue Launch, for UNSWLJ)
27 September, Hong Kong CN (presented by Angela Daly)
How do they get away with it? The Legal Framework of the Digital Surveillance Economy
(Presentation Slides, Asian Privacy Scholars Network Conf., with Angela Daly)
9 August, Sydney AU
Biometrics as RegTech? and slide-set
(Invited Presentation, Social Implications of National Security Conf.)
27 July, Sydney AU
A Quick Stroll Through the History of the Australian Privacy Foundation
and slide-set
(Invited Presentation, APF 30th Aniversary Celebration, with Graham Greenleaf)
20 June, Bled SI
Content Analysis in Support of Critical Theory Research:
How to Deliver an Unwelcome Message Without Being Shot (Paper Presentation, 30th Bled eConference)
19 June, Bled SI
30 Years of the Bled eConference: From Past to Future (Panel Session, 30th Bled eConference)
27 January, Brussels BE
An Instrumentalist's View of Koops et al.'s Typology
of Privacy (Panel Session, CPDP Conference)
27 January, Brussels BE
The Distinction between a PIA and a Data Protection
Impact Assessment (DPIA) under the EU GDPR (Panel Session, CPDP Conference)
14 December, Auckland NZ
Dataveillance Law: Modalities, Categories and Examples (Asia Privacy Scholars
Network Conference, with Graham Greenleaf)
1 December, Frankfurt DE
Business Models for Secure Service Offerings by ISPs
(Mobile Business & Multilateral Security, Goethe University Frankfurt)
28 November, Darmstadt DE
The Shape of PETs 2.0 (Computer Science, Technische Universität Darmstadt)
24 November, Brno CZ
The Contested Semantics of 'Security', and the
Current Challenges of Big Data and IoT (CyberCake, Law, Uni of Masaryk)
22 November, Leipzig DE
PETs 2.0 - Getting it Right the Second Time Around (Stiftung
Datenschutz Conference)
21 November, Leipzig DE
Researcher Perspective(s) and the Role of
Perspective in Privacy-Related Research (Uni. Leipzig)
25 October, Canberra AU
Appearance for the APF before a Senate Committee Inquiry into the
Census – Submission here,
Video here
12 September, Brisbane AU
Regulatory Failures in the Security Space: Some Current Cases (Crime and Justice Research Centre, QUT)
29 August, Oslo NO
Regulatory Failures in the Security Space: Some Current Cases (NRCCL,
University of Oslo)
29 August, Oslo NO
The Contested Semantics of 'Security', and the Curious
Case of PIAs applied to National Security Initiatives (Peace Research
Intitute Oslo – PRIO)
24 August, Karlstad SE
Productisation of Secure eWorking Environments (IFIP
Summer School)
22 August, Karlstad SE
Big Data Prophylactics: How Negative Impacts Can, and Cannot, be Avoided (Keynote, IFIP Summer School)
19 August, Uppsala SE
Quality Assurance for Security Applications of Big Data (EISIC)
20 June, Bled SI
An Empirical Assessment of Researcher Perspectives (29th
Bled Conference – Outstanding Paper Award)
(16 December, Fort Worth Texas US)
Public Policy is Within-Scope for IS Research (Panel Contribution, ICIS, but delivered on my behalf)
11 December, Sydney
Commentary on Data, Analytics, Values, and Models (Symposium, UNSW Law)
2 December, Adelaide
The Missing Perspectives in IS Research (Keynote, ACIS)
1 December, Adelaide
Archetypes and the Ambiguous Notion of 'Career'
(Panel Presentation, ACIS PhD Consortium)
16 November, Canberra
Big Data Quality Assurance (Symposium Presentation, ADFA)
28 October, Brisbane
Managing Drones' Safety and Privacy Impacts (Presentation, Commercial UAV Conference)
(26 August, Ottawa CA – Presented by my co-author and PhD candidate)
Measures to Improve Public Acceptance of Smart Metering System (Paper, Int'l Wksp on Requirements Engineering for Sustainable Systems)
(5 August, Los Angeles US – Presented by my co-author and PhD candidate)
Consumer Concerns about Smart Meters (Paper, HCI International Conf.)
9 June, Bled SI
Big Data Quality: An Investigation using Quasi-Empirical
Scenario Analysis (Paper, 28th Bled eConference)
7 May, Leipzig DE
The Digital User/ee: Consumer, Actor or Participant? (Seminar,
IWI, Uni. Leipzig)
6 May, Kassel DE
The Digital User/ee: Consumer, Actor or Participant? (Seminar,
IWI, Uni. Kassel)
5 May, Bielefeld DE
Freedom and Privacy: Positive and Negative
Effects of Mobile and Internet Applications (Interdisciplinary Symposium, Uni. Bielefeld)
30 March, Sydney
12 March, Darwin
11 March, Brisbane
10 March, Hobart
4 March, Melbourne
3 March, Canberra
25 February, Adelaide
24 February, Perth
Risk Management for Big Data Projects (ACS Professional Development
25 March, Sydney
The Internet That We Want(ed)? (Panellist's Notes)
4 March, Canberra
Telecommunications Act s.313
(Evidence to a Parliamentary Ctee, for APF)
23 February, Sydney
Current Concerns about Media Standards
(Australian Press Council)
2 February, Canberra
Retention Aspects of the Telecommunications (Access and Interception) Act (Evidence
to Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee - SLACR)
31 January, Canberra
The Data Retention Bill (Evidence to Joint Parliamentary Committee in Intelligence and Security - JPCIS)
12 December, Sydney
Quality Factors in Big Data and Big Data Analytics and Their Legal Implications (Symposium, Bond Uni / UTS)
29-30 October, Brussels
Surveillance, Resilience and Democracy (IRISS Conference)
27 October, Istanbul
Handholding or Handsets: School-Children's Tablets
and Privacy (Seminar for Bahçesehir Üniversitesi)
(15 October, Istanbul – Presented by my co-author
and PhD candidate)
Identifying Consumer Requirements as an Antidote to Resistance to Smart Meters (Paper, ISGT2014)
29-30 September, Melbourne
Hobbyist Drones: Payload and Mission Capabilities
(Symposium, IEEE SSIT)
11 September, Canberra
Data Retention as Mass Surveillance: An Australian Perspective (Panel, EFA)
(3 September, Varazdin HR – Presented by my co-author
and PhD candidate)
Architecture and Data Flow Model for Consumer-Oriented Smart Meter Design (Paper, ISD2014)
18 August, Canberra
National Security Legislation Amendment Bill
to Joint Parliamentary Committee on Intelligence and Security, for Electronic Frontiers Australia (EFA)
14 August, Sydney
Why Isn't Security Easier for SMEs and Consumers? (Seminar, UNSW CSE)
7 August, Sydney
Privacy and Free Speech (Presentation, Free Speech Symposium)
24 July, Melbourne
Managing Drones' Privacy and Civil Liberties
Impacts (Presentation, Commercial UAV Conference)
10 July, Tokyo
Easy Privacy for Consumer-Oriented Social Media (Presentation, 4th Asian Privacy
Scholars Network Conf.)
2 June, Bled, Slovenia
The Prospects for Consumer-Oriented Social Media (Paper, 27th Bled eConference)
10 May, Ottawa
How to Promote PET Usage
(Invited Panel Presentation, Politics of Surveillance Workshop, Uni of Ottawa)
28 February, Canberra
Drones and Privacy (Invited Presentation to a Parliamentary
Committee Roundtable)
17 February, Adelaide
Drones' Challenges to Public Safety (Invited
Presentation, UAV Conference, Flinders Uni)
27 January, Southampton
Location and Tracking of Mobile Devices (Seminar
for University of Southampton)
23 January, Brussels
Security vs. Privacy Trade-Off Considered Harmful (Notes
prior to Panel Moderation, CPDP'14)
22 January, Brussels
Approaches to Impact Assessment (Presentation
to a Panel on Technology Impact Assessment, CPDP'14)
20 January, Istanbul
The Nature of the Digital Persona and Its Implications
for Data Protection Law (Seminar for Bahçesehir Üniversitesi)
20 January, Istanbul
Social Media and Privacy: The Technical Requirements,
and the Role of Law (Seminar for Bahçesehir Üniversitesi)
5 December, Melbourne
What the Dickens is 'The Ghost of ChrIStmas Future'?? (Panel Session at ACIS)
27 November, Canberra
Drones – Technical and Policy Challenges (slide-set only,
ANU RSCS Summer Scholars Series)
13 November, Sydney
Why Isn't Security Easier for SMEs and Consumers? (CyberSecurityLaw
11 October, Canberra
Ethical Considerations in Computer Science Research (Panel
(17 September, Amsterdam – Presented by my co-author
and PhD candidate)
Framework for Risk Analysis in Smart Grid Perspective
Based Approach (Paper, CRITIS)
11 June, Bled, Slovenia
The Supervisor's Dilemma: Is Reconciliation Possible between
the Candidate's Needs and the Supervisor's Integrity? (Paper, Special Section, 26th Bled eConference)
25 February, Sydney
The New Meaning of 'Point of View': Media Uses
and Abuses of New Surveillance Tools (Presentation to the Australian Press
30 January, Oxford
Whose Security? The Politics of Alternative Scope Definitions (Presentation
at the Cyber Security Centre, Oxford University)
24 January, Brussels
State Surveillance and Its Governance (Panel at
17 January, Koblenz
eConsumer Insecurity: Five Sensationalist Headlines, and Why They're True (Presentation
at Uni Koblenz-Landau)
5 December, Geelong
A Perspective on the Future of the IS Discipline (Panel
Session at ACIS)
18-26 November, Tokyo
Consumer-Oriented Social Media as Market Opportunity
(Keynote, Asian Privacy Scholars Conference, Meiji Uni)
Privacy and Social Media Technology (Workshop
at Meiji Uni)
16 November, Canberra
I.T. Challenges to Information Law, slide-set
(Aust Govt Solicitor Conference)
28 August, Canberra
What would an Open Source Library for
Social Media Look Like? (ANU RSCS)
20 July, Rome (by teleconference)
The Digital Persona (McLuhan: 100 Anni Dopo: Influenze trasversali
sulla Persona Digitale)
25 June, Copenhagen
Security, for Society: A View from the End of
the World (Danish IT Security Association)
Privacy as a Strategic Factor
in Social Media: An Analysis Based on the Concepts of Trust and Distrust
(Roskilde University)
18-20 June, Bled, Slovenia
The First 25 Years of the Bled eConference (Keynote,
Bled eConference)
Bled25 Special Section Editors' Introduction (Session
Chair's Introduction, Bled eConference)
The First 25 Years of the Bled eConference: Themes
and Impacts (Paper, Bled eConference Special Section)
A Framework for the Evaluation of CloudSourcing Proposals
(Paper, Bled eConference)
24 April, Canberra
Cyborg Rights (Seminar, ANU RSCS)
29 February, Canberra
Auto-Enrolment of Electors
(Evidence to a Senate Committee)
22 February, Sydney
The Regulation of Point-of-View Surveillance (International
Workshop on Point of View Technologies in Law Enforcement, Sydney Uni)
21 February, Sydney
Surveillance by the Media, and Its Regulation (Conference
on Surveillance and/in Everyday Life, Sydney Uni)
15 February, Canberra
Address Maintenance (Evidence to a Senate Committee)
16 August, Canberra
The Cloudy Future of Consumer Computing
(Seminar, ANU RSCS)
13-15 June, Bled, Slovenia
The Cloudy Future of Consumer Computing (Bled eConference)
21 March, Canberra
Cyber-Safety (Evidence to a Joint Select
14 March, Brisbane
The State of Privacy in Queensland (Queensland
Council for Civil Liberties – QCCL)
24 February, Canberra
Security and Cloudsourcing (Cloud Computing Forum)
11 February, Gold Coast
A Risk Assessment Framework for Mobile
Payments (Seminar, Bond Uni)
22 September, Brisbane
GenY, iGens and Privacy; & Geolocation Privacy
(Panel Session, World Computer Congress)
21 September, Brisbane
Civil Society Must Publish Standards Documents (Paper,
World Computer Congress)
22 June, Bled, Slovenia
Why are we still using postcards for our confidential
e-Communications? (Bled Panel, June)
21 June, Bled, Slovenia
Computing Clouds on the Horizon? Benefits and Risks from
the User's Perspective (Bled eConference)
7 June, Wollongong
Cyborg Rights (Keynote, IEEE ISTAS)
28 May, Canberra
Computing Clouds on the Horizon? Benefits and Risks from
the User's Perspective (Seminar, ANU RSCS)
18 May, Melbourne
User Requirements for Cloud Computing Architecture
(10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing
– had to withdraw shortly before the conference)
12 November, Sydney
A Tag-Team Acceptance Speech (Comments on Receipt
of the Australian Privacy Medal)
2 November, Cambridge
Surveillance in Speculative Fiction: Have Our Artists
Been Sufficiently Imaginative? (Seminar, Cambridge Computer Lab)
27 October, Toronto
Surveillance in Speculative Fiction: Have
Our Artists Been Sufficiently Imaginative? (Keynote, Access and Privacy
26 October, Toronto
Lessons from a Sufficiently Rich Model of
(Id)entity, Authentication and Authorisation (Seminar, Uni Toronto)
22 June, Bled Slovenia
Consumer Acceptance of Potentially Intrusive Identity
Authentication Mechanisms (Panel Session, Bled eConference)
21 June, Bled, Slovenia
An eCommerce Perspective on Carbon Trading (Bled
5 June, London
A Sufficiently Rich Model of (Id)entity, Authentication
and Authorisation (Seminar, LSE)
6 May, Canberra
Government Service Delivery: Near-Future Realities
in a High-Bandwidth World (Senator Kate Lundy's Public Sphere Event on High
Bandwidth for Australia)
7 April, Canberra
The Covert Implementation of Mass Vehicle Surveillance
in Australia (Seminar, Fourth Workshop on the Social Implications of National
Security: Covert Policing)
26 Oct - 9 Nov, Hong Kong
Internet and the WWW (Masters
Seminar, HKU)
6 November, Hong Kong
An eCommerce
Perspective on Carbon Trading (Address, Wan Chai)
26 September, Brisbane
Innovation and the Future of Journals in the Digital
Era (Open Access and Research Conference, QUT)
23 July, Sydney
You Are Where You've Been: The Privacy Implications
of Location and Tracking Technologies (Keynote, Seminar on 'Location Privacy,
24-27 Jun, Madrid
B2C Distrust Factors in the Prosumer Era (Keynote,
CollECTeR Iberoamerica)
14-18 Jun, Bled
A Risk Assessment Framework for Mobile Payments
(Bled eConference)
BledSpace (Workshop on eCollaboration within
the Bled Community, Bled eConference)
1 May, Wellington
Can Mobile Payments be Secure Enough? (Seminar,
Victoria Uni of Wellington)
29 Apr, Wellington
(Id)Entities (Mis)Management: The Mythologies
underlying the Business Failures (Keynote, Identity Management Conference)
29 October, Wollongong
What 'Überveillance' Is, and What To Do About It
(Keynote, 2nd RNSA Workshop on the Social Implications of National Security)
14-28 October, Hong Kong
Internet and the WWW (Masters
Seminar, HKU)
25 October, Hong Kong
Can Mobile Payments be Secure Enough?
(Address, Wan Chai)
19 September, Canberra
Big Brother Google (Seminar, ANU DCS)
14 August, Melbourne
Your Health Records: Privacy Versus Quality
of Care (Panel Session, Uni Melbourne)
30 July, Canberra
Web 2.0 - Tsunami or Mirage? (Seminar, ANU
20 July, Canberra
Security, Privacy & Reliability (Panel Session,
AFR GovTech)
6 June, Bled
eCollaboration - Some Looming Impediments
(Panel Session, Bled eConference)
24 May, Koblenz
Google and Privacy (Seminar, Wirtschaftsinformatik
20 May, Koblenz
Web 2.0 - Tsunami or Mirage? (Seminar, Uni Karlsrhue)
4 April, Sydney
The National ID Scheme Proposal: Technology,
Project Feasibility and Security Aspects (Roundtable, Centre for Independent
24 November, Sydney
The Costs of 'National Security' to Privacy, and
to Business (Seminar, Australian Information Security Association)
23 November, Canberra
Digital Privacy (Panel Session, ACMA Information
Communications Entertainment Conference)
23 October - 4 November, Hong Kong
Internet and the WWW (Masters
Seminar, HKU)
2 November, Hong Kong
What's Google Really Up To? (Address, Wan Chai)
15 September, Sydney
Information Security and the Malware Menagerie – slide-set
(Masters Seminar, Macquarie Uni)
15 August, Fredericton NB
How Academe and Business Can Connect (Panel
Session, ICEC'06)
14 August, Fredericton NB
A Major Impediment to B2C Success is ... the Concept 'B2C' (Keynote,
28 July, Sydney
What's 'Privacy'? (Workshop at the Australian
Law Reform Commission)
11 July, Sydney
Business Models providing Incentive to Open Content
(Presentation, Unlocking IP Conference)
6 June, Bled
A Pilot Study of the Effectiveness of Privacy
Policy Statements (Bled e Conference)
22 May, Bergen
ePublishing Business Models in the P2P Era
(Seminar, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration)
19 May, Oslo
Google's Gauntlets: Google Challenges Corporations,
Consumers and the Law (Seminar, Institutt for rettsinformatikk, Uni Oslo)
26 April, Canberra
Plagiarism by Academics (Seminar, ANU DCS)
23 March, Canberra
Smart Cards and Biometrics: Is a Nightmare-Free
Australia Card Feasible? (A.C.T. Society of Technology and the Law)
7 March, Sydney
Avoid the Mythologies of Identity Control and
Rediscover a Sense of Balance and Proportion (Presentation, Identity Management
2 March, Sydney
Open Content Licensing and a 'Fair Go' for Creatives
in a Digital Environment (Presentation, AEShareNet Seminar)
10 February, Victoria BC
(Id)entities Management, and Nym Management,
for People not just of People (7th Annual Privacy & Security Conference
of the Government of British Columbia)
9 February, Victoria BC
National Identity Cards? Bust the Myth of 'Security
über Alles'! (7th Annual Privacy & Security Conference of the Government
of British Columbia)
3 February, Sydney
An Open and Closed Case: PrePrints and PostPrints
in Digital Repositories (Presentation, Symposium on Managing Openness in
Digital Repositories)
9 December, Canberra
Google - User Perspectives (Seminar, National
Institute of Social Sciences and Law, ANU)
26 October, Brussels (by teleconference)
Research for eGovernment: Key Issues (eGovernment
Consultation Workshop)
20 September, Melbourne
IP Business Models for the TAFE Sector
(Seminar for the Victorian TAFE Development Centre)
15 September, Sydney
The Past, Present and Future of B2C eCommerce
(Panel Session, Slattery's 'Rewind Fast Forward' Conference)
28 August - 14 September, Hong Kong
Internet and the WWW (Masters
Seminar, HKU)
8 September, Hong Kong
P2P Technology's Strategic and
Policy Implications (Address, Wan Chai)
2 September, Linz
Human-Artefact Hybridisation: Forms and Consequences
(Ars Electronica 2005 Symposium)
17 August, Perth
Realities of Cyborgisation (Seminar, School
of Media Communication and Culture, Murdoch Uni)
3 August, Canberra
P2P Technology and Its Implications (Seminar,
27 July, Sydney
P2P Technology and Its Legal and Policy Implications
(Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre, UNSW)
12 July, Sydney
Trust Among Mobile Business Partners (Keynote,
4th International Conference on Mobile Business)
2 June, Cavtat HR
Business Cases for Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
(ETS 2005 - 5th Workshop on Privacy-Enhancing Technologies)
29 April, Melbourne
The Cost-Profiles of Alternative Approaches to Journal-Publishing
(Fiesole Collection Retreat Series)
1 March, Melbourne
eDemocracy (Evidence to the Victorian Parliamentary
6 December, Brisbane
Issues Arising in Current and Emergent Internet Technologies
(Centre for Critical & Cultural Studies, UofQ)
18 November, Sydney
eBusiness Models for Sharing Content (conference
on Unlocking IP: New models for sharing and trading intellectual property, UNSW)
8 November, Wollongong
Issues Embedded in Research Methodology
(Workshop on IT/IS Research: Methodological Issues and Approaches, School of
I.T. & C.S., Uni. of Wollongong)
5 November, Canberra
Identity Management? Or (Id)Entity Mismanagement?
(ACS Conference on IT in Government)
29 September, Canberra
Open Content Licensing for Research Paper (Pr)ePrints
4-19 September, Hong Kong
Internet and the WWW (Masters
Seminar, HKU)
10 September, Hong Kong
The Internet and Democracy: Has Hong
Kong Left It Too Late?? (China Information Technology and Law Centre, Departments
of Law and CSIS, University of Hong Kong)
9 September, Hong Kong
eBusiness Models for Content The Closed v. The Open Approaches (Address, Wan Chai)
11 August, Canberra
eBusiness Models: Lessons from Open Source and
Its Enemies (ANU DCS)
24 June, Zagreb HR
Critical Developments in eBusiness, and slide-set
(Australian Embassy)
22 June, Bled
Open Source Software and Open Content As Models for
eBusiness (Bled eConference)
11 June, Ottawa
Identity Management; and PIAs (Presentation,
Canadian Privacy Commissioner's Office)
10 June, Ottawa
The Concepts of (Id)entity, Nymity & Authentication
(Seminar, Uni Ottowa)
9 June, Kingston ON
The Search for Balance: The Past, Present and Future
of Privacy Impact Assessments(Seminar, Queens University)
8 June, Toronto
Identity & Nymity - Public Policy Issues (Enterprise
Architecture Open House, Government of Ontario)
7 June, Toronto
Is eGovernment for People, or against People? Challenges
to Personal Information Management Arising from eGovernment Business Models
and Technology Trends (Workshops for the Government of Ontario)
24 May, Gold Coast
Biometric Insecurity (AusCERT Conference)
4 May, Sydney
Creative Licensing to Expand Australia's Public Domain, and slide-set
(Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre, UNSW)
21 October, Sydney
15 October, Brisbane
14 October, Melbourne
Regulatory Compliance? Or Regulatory Strategy?
(IBM Breakfast Seminars)
18-28 September, Hong Kong
Internet and the WWW (Masters
Seminar, HKU)
25 September, Hong Kong
Open Source and Open Content as Models for e-Business (Address, Wan Chai)
8 September, Sydney
Identification and Authentication Fundamentals
(Introductory Session, Conference on State Surveillance after September 11)
Why Biometrics Must Be Banned (Cyberspace Law
& Policy Centre, UNSW)
28 October, Sydney
27 October, Lismore
9 October, Darwin
3 September, Melbourne
28 August, Adelaide
27 August, Perth
20 August, Launceston
19 August, Hobart
11 August, Newcastle
30 July, Brisbane
29 July, Wide Bay
eAuthentication Realities (ACS Professional Development
4 July, Brisbane
To Share *and* To Profit (Qld TAFE `Shooting
the Tube' Conference, Griffith Uni)
10 June, Bled
Authentication Re-visited: How Public Key Infrastructure
Could Yet Prosper
28 March, Wellington NZ
Dataveillance - 15 Years On (Privacy Issues Forum
of the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner)
19 March, Canberra
An Information Systems Perspective on Computer
Science Research Methods (ANU DCS)
17-20 January, Oestrich-Winkel
Invitation to Research (20-hour PhD Induction Seminar, Euro.
Business School)
17 December, Barcelona
Information Privacy in a Globally Networked Society:
Implications for I.S. Research (Panel Session, ICIS)
3 December, Sydney
ENUM - A Case Study in Social Irresponsibility
(ISOC-AU Forum on New Protocols and Standards-Setting in Australia)
Is Social Irresponsibility Alive and Well?
(ISOC-AU Forum Closing Plenary)
5 November, Canberra
Techno-Reality and Techno-Literature and
slide-set (Hawker College)
31 October, Adelaide
Digital Property Rights vs. Human Rights: Desperate
Publishing Houses Are Demanding A New Dark Ages (ACS S.A. Conference)
25 October, Sydney
Internet Architecture and Operation: 'Supra-National'
Rather Than 'International' Governance
(Seminar on International Dimensions of Internet and e-Commerce Regulation,
Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre, UNSW)
12-28 September, Hong Kong
Internet and the WWW (Masters
Seminar, HKU)
27 September, Hong Kong
Authentication for e-Business: Current Practices, Conceptual and Implementation Issues (Address, Wan Chai)
25 September, Hong Kong
W(h)ither PKI? (Seminar, Departments of Law and
CSIS, University of Hong Kong)
20 September, Hong Kong
Key Features of Effective I.T. Applications for
the New Economies (Keynote, Hong Kong International Computer Conference)
10 September, Cardiff UK
The Mythology of Consumer Identity Authentication
(24th Int'l Conference of Data Protection & Privacy Commissioners)
9 August, Canberra
Research Use of Personal Data (National Scholarly
Communications Forum, Australian Archives)
20 July, Canberra
Internet-Induced Constraints on Freedoms: The Implications for Innovation, and
slide-set (seminar, National Office for the
Information Economy)
11 July, Sydney
eAuthentication: Where's the Public Interest?
(E-Authentication Symposium, Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, UNSW)
18 June, Bled
e-Consent: A Critical Element of Trust in e-Business
(Bled eConference)
13 June, München
e-Business Technologies and slide-sets (1 day seminar, European Patents Office)
11 June, Oestrich-Winkel DE
e-Business Technology and Education: Virtual Universities, Virtual Professors,
and slide-set (seminar, Euro. Business
4-5 June, Cape Town
Electronic Publishing (Masters Seminar, University
of Western Cape)
10 May, Hong Kong
Biometrics Inadequacies & Threats & Privacy-Protective
Architecture (Uni of Hong Kong)
18 April, San Francisco
Biometrics Inadequacies & Threats & Privacy-Protective
Architecture (Computers, Freedom & Privacy Conf.)
15 November, Canberra
Towards a Public Key Infrastructure That Actually
Works (ANU DCS)
8 November, Canberra
A New Model of Authentication to Support e-Business
23 October, Sydney
Beyond the Alligators of 21/12/2001, There's a Public
Policy Swamp ( Conference, Marcus Evans)
3 October, Washington DC
Authentication Technologies and Their Privacy Implications:
Technology and Policy Foundations
(Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB) of the National Academy
of Sciences)
11 September, Canberra
e-Business: Consumer Perspectives (ASCPA IT Day)
30 July, Canberra
Can Digital Signatures and Public Key Infrastructure
Be of Any Use in the Health Care Sector ??? (Panel Session, Health Informatics
19 July, Sydney
Certainty of Identity: A Fundamental Misconception,
and a Fundamental Threat to Security (Seminar on eSecurity and eCrime, UNSW)
28 June, Bled
Regional Workshop for I.S. Academics in Central and Eastern Europe, and slide-set
28 June, Bled
The Fundamental Inadequacies of Conventional Public
Key Infrastructure (ECIS'2001)
26 June, Bled
Relevance of Portals to e-Government, and slide-set
(Panel Session, Bled eConference)
26 June, Bled
Towards a Taxonomy of B2B e-Commerce Schemes (Bled
23 June, Salzburg
Research Challenges in Emergent e-Health Technologies
(Panel Session, IFIP TC8 Conference)
22 June, Salzburg
If e-Business is Different Then So is Research in
e-Business (Invited Plenary, IFIP TC8 Working Conference on E-Commerce/E-Business)
19 June, Toronto
Privacy Impact Assessment (Management Services Board, Ontario Government)
13-14 June, Cape Town
Electronic Publishing (Masters Seminar, University
of Western Cape)
25 May, Sydney
Trust in Cyberspace: What eCommerce Doesn't Get
(Cyberspace Regulation: eCommerce and Content, UNSW)
29 March, Sydney
Leadership Online (C&W Optus Executive Business
The New Intermediaries: Value-Chain Opportunities
and Threats (ditto)
15 March, Sydney
E-Procurement: Traps & Invitations to Failure, and slide-set
(e-Procurement Conference, IIR)
27 February, Sydney
Why Would M-Marketing be Trusted by Consumers and Small Enterprises??, and slide-set
(AMTA Congress)
23 February, Sydney
Of Trustworthiness and Pets: What Lawyers Haven't
Done for e-Business (5th Biennial Pacific Rim Computer Law Conference)
12 December, Brisbane
Ethical Issues in the Preparation and Submission
of Research Papers in the I.S. Discipline (Panel Session, ICIS'2000)
22 November, Sydney
Privacy is a Key Factor in I-Consumer Marketing
(Panel Session, A New Way to Market, BRW)
26 October, Melbourne
Technologies of Mass Observation (Mass Observation
Movement Forum)
25 October, Canberra
e-Libraries and e-Shopping (Australian Library
and Information Association Conference)
2 August, Canberra
e-Business Technology and Education: Virtual
Universities, Virtual Professors (ANU DCS)
27 July, Melbourne
How to Ensure That Privacy Concerns Don't Undermine e-Transport
Investments (e-Transport Conference, AIC)
4 July, Vienna
Technological Protections for Digital Copyright Objects
30 June, Linz
e-Business Technology and Education: Virtual Universities, Virtual Professors,
and slide-set (Uni Linz)
21 June, Bled
Key Research Issues in Global Electronic Commerce, and slide-set
(Workshop Intoduction)
19 June, Bled
What Must E.C. Deliver Now? (Panel Session
19 June, Bled
Key Design Issues in Marketspaces for Intellectual
Property Rights
13-14 June, Cape Town
Electronic Publishing (Masters Seminar, University
of Western Cape)
15 May, Barossa Valley
E-Consent: A Key Issue in the New E-Context, and slide-set
11 May, Sydney
On-Line Gambling: Authentication and Identification
Technologies and Issues (3rd National Gambling Conference)
4 April, Toronto
Freedom and Privacy by Design (Notes for Workshop,
14 March, Canberra
Privacy Requirements of Public Key Infrastructure
(IT Security Conference, IIR)
8 March, Canberra
Research Methods in Electronic Commerce (ANU
18 February, Adelaide
Society's View of Business and I.T., and slide-set
3 December, Coff's Harbour
New Millenium or New Dark Ages? (Australasian Document
Computing Symposium – ADCS'99)
20 October, Ottawa
Anonymous and Pseudonymous Transactions, and PETs (Workshop, Industry Canada)
19 October, Ottawa
Enable E.S.D. Through Privacy-Sensitive Design (Technology in Government Conference)
2 October, Canberra
Ethics and the Internet: The Cyberspace Behaviour
of People, Communities and Organisations
(Keynote, Sixth Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Professional
and Applied Ethics)
22 September, Canberra
Electronic Trading in Copyright Objects (ANU
20 September, Adelaide
Appropriate Research Methods for Electronic Commerce
(Seminar, Uni SA)
14 September, Hong Kong
Person-Location and Person-Tracking: Technologies, Risks
and Policy Implications (21st International Conference on Privacy and Personal
Data Protection)
31 August, Sydney
Current Developments in Internet Privacy (Data
Protection and Information Privacy Conf., IIR)
21 July, Canberra
Economic, Legal and Social Implications of I.T.:
Current Issues (Canberra Branch of the Australian Computer Society)
19 August, Melbourne
Freedom of Information? The Internet as Harbinger
of the New Dark Ages
(Freedom of Information and the Right to Know Conf., Communications Law Centre
and the International Commission of Jurists)
15 June, Stockholm
Identified, Anonymous and Pseudonymous Transactions:
The Spectrum of Choice (User Identification & Privacy Protection Conference)
14 June, Stockholm
Identification, Authentication and Anonymity in a Legal Context (User Identification & Privacy Protection Conference)
9 June, Bled
Electronic Services Delivery: From Brochure-Ware to Entry
Points (Bled eConference)
8 June, Bled
The Willingness of Net-Consumers to Pay: A Lack-of-Progress Report (Bled eConference)
20 April, Sydney
Electronic Trading in Copyright Objects and Its Implications
for Universities (EDUCAUSE'99)
5 April, Newark NJ
The Legal Context of Privacy-Enhancing and Privacy-Sympathetic
Technologies (Seminar, AT&T Research Labs, Florham Park NJ)
24 March, Canberra
Bigger Than Y2K, Much More Pressing Than a Constitutional
Preamble, I-I-I-It's 'Internet Issues'
(Seminar, Australian Intellectual Property Office)
20 January, Sydney
Key Issues in Electronic Commerce and Electronic
Publishing (Information Online and On Disc '99)
8 November, Canberra
Electronic Commerce: Net Benefit for Australia?
(Closing Session Summary, Information Industry Outlook Conference, ACS)
8 May, Sydney
The Technical Feasibility of Regulating Gambling
on the Internet (Gambling, Technology & Society Conf.)
28 February, Sydney
Direct Marketing and Privacy (Marketing on
the Internet Conference)
17 February, Melbourne
Technological Aspects of Internet Crime Prevention
(Internet Crime Conf., Australian Institute for Criminology)
21 October, Sydney
Privacy on the Internet: Threats, Countermeasures
and Policy (Australian Privacy Forum, IBC)
24 September, Montreal
Chip-Based ID: Promise and Peril (International
Conference on Privacy)
10 August, Canberra
Public Interests on the Electronic Frontier: Their
Relevance to Policy-Formation for I.T. Security Techniques (IT Security
'97, IIR)
11 July, Canberra
Beyond the Dublin Core: Rich Meta-Data and Convenience-of-Use
Are Compatible After All (Libraries Conf.)
4 July, Brisbane
The Monster from the Crypt: Impacts and Effects of
Digital Money (QuestNet'97)
19 June, Cork IE
Evaluation Or Justification? The Application Of Cost/Benefit
Analysis To Computer Matching Schemes (ECIS'97)
11 June, Bled
Electronic Commerce: Themes of the Last Decade, and
the Next (Closing Plenary Session, Bled eConference)
10 June, Bled
Electronic Publishing: A Specialised Form of Electronic
Commerce (Bled eConference)
26 May, Sydney
Customer Profiling and Privacy: Implications for
the Finance Industry (Customer Profiling for Financial Service Conf., AIC)
14 April, Melbourne
Encouraging Cyberculture (CAUSE in Australasia
13 March, San Francisco
The Monster from the Crypt: Impacts and Effects of Digital
Money (CFP'97)
12 March, Sydney
Privacy Implications of Digital Signatures (Digital
Signatures Conf., IBC)
5 February, Sydney
Regulating Financial Services in the Marketspace: The
Public's Interests
(Electronic Commerce: Regulating Financial Services in the Marketspace Conf.,
Australian Securities Commission)
18 October, Sydney
Identification, Anonymity and Pseudonymity in Consumer
Transactions: A Vital Systems Design and Public Policy Issue (Smart Cards
26 September, Melbourne
Issues in Technology-Based Consumer Transactions
(Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals SOCAP Conf.)
23 August, Magnetic Island
How Do You Cope With Censorship? An Analysis for
IT Services Executives
(Conference of the Australian Universities' Directors of IT, CAUDIT)
11 June, Bled
Electronic Payment Mechanisms (Workshop, Bled eConference)
10 June, Bled
Towards a Theoretical Framework For Collaborative
Electronic Commerce Projects Involving Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
(Bled eConference)
28 May, Perth
Privacy and Dataveillance, and Organisational Strategy
(Keynote, I.S. Audit & Control Association Conf., EDPAC'96)
31 January, Melbourne
Virtual Chewing Gum on Virtual Library Seats? Human Behaviour
in Electronic Communities (Victorian Automated Library Association, VALA)
11 December, Amsterdam
Beyond the Jungle: How Can the Various Schools of Thought in Strategic Information
Systems Contribute to Organizational Strategy in Low-Competitive Contexts? (Panel
Chair, ICIS'95)
13 September, Melbourne
Information Technology & Cyberspace: Their Impact on
Rights and Liberties (Victorian Council for Civil Liberties)
5-7 June, Bled
Program Chair, Bled eConference
2 May 1995, Kuala Lumpur
The Strategic Significance for Business and Government
of Information Infrastructure and Technoculture
(East Asian Conference on Infrastructure for the 21st Century)
5 May 1995, Penang
Empirical Methods in Information Systems Research, and the A.N.U.'s 6-Year Longitudinal
Program on EDI in Government
(Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Science
26 April, Toowoomba
Net-ethiquette (University of Southern
31 March, San Francisco
When Do They Need to Know 'Whodunnit?' The Justification
for Transaction Identification; The Scope for Transaction Anonymity and Pseudonymity
12 January, Denver
EDI (University of Denver)
Overseas locations number 70 in 23 countries, including (* indicates more than twice) Austria (Linz*, Salzburg, Vienna), Belgium (Brussels*, Namur), Canada (Fredericton, Kingston, Montreal, Toronto*, Ottawa*, Vancouver*, Victoria BC), Croatia (Cavtat, Zagreb), Czech Republic (Brno), Denmark (Copenhagen), Hong Kong*, Germany (Bielefeld, Freiburg-in-Breisegau, Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hanover, Kassel, Koblenz*, Leipzig*, Munich, Oestrich-Winkel*), Ireland (Cork), Italy (Rome), Japan (Tokyo*), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Penang), The Netherlands (Amsterdam, Rotterdam), New Zealand (Auckland, Wellington*), Norway (Bergen, Oslo*), Portugal (Estoril), Slovenia (Bled*), South Africa (Cape Town*), Spain (Barcelona, Madrid), Sweden (Stockholm, Uppsala, Karlstad), Switzerland (Balsthal, Basel, Bern*, St Gallen*, Zürich), Turkey (Istanbul*), the UK (Brighton, Cambridge*, Cardiff, Cranfield, Exeter, London*, Oxford, Southampton*) and the USA (Boston, Denver, Fort Worth, Minneapolis, San Francisco*, Los Angeles, Newark NJ, New York, Pittsburgh, Washington DC*).
The c. 20 Australian locations include all 8 capitals plus Albury, Barossa Valley, Coff's Harbour, Geelong, Gold Coast, Hervey Bay, Launceston, Lismore, Magnetic Island, Newcastle, Rockhampton, Toowoomba, Townsville, Wollongong.
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The content and infrastructure for these community service pages are provided by Roger Clarke through his consultancy company, Xamax. From the site's beginnings in August 1994 until February 2009, the infrastructure was provided by the Australian National University. During that time, the site accumulated close to 30 million hits. It passed 75 million in late 2024. Sponsored by the Gallery, Bunhybee Grasslands, the extended Clarke Family, Knights of the Spatchcock and their drummer |
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Created: 26 December 2012 - Last Amended: 14 Jan 2025 by Roger Clarke - Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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