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This document lists my main papers in this particular area, in reverse chronological order. This page is updated to 31 December 2023. Papers since then are indexed on my What's New Page .
An annotated bibliography is available. A further document provides a set of definitions of eCommerce terms.
'How Confident are We in the Reliability of Information? A Generic Theory of Authentication to Support IS Practice and Research' Proc. Australasian Conf. in Infor. Syst. (ACIS), December 2023, at
'The Authentication of Textual Assertions' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, Working Paper, August 2023, at
'Robodebt: An Exemplary Case Study of a Failed Transformative IT Project in the Public Sector' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, August 2023, Revised Version, at
'The Re-Conception of AI: Beyond Artificial, and Beyond Intelligence' IEEE Trans. Techno. & Soc. 4, 1 (March 2023) 24-33, PrePrint at, and the slide-set for ANU, 13 Jul 23, with the video, and slide-set for UNSW, 29 Aug 23, also with video
'The Re-Conception of AI: Beyond Artificial, and Beyond Intelligence — Summary of the Proposition', January 2023, PrePrint at
'Multi-Stakeholder Risk Assessment of Socio-Technical Interventions' Review Version, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, November 2022, PrePrint at (first-named author, with Katina Michael and Roba Abbas)
'Robodebt: An Exemplary Case Study of a Failed Transformative IT Project in the Public Sector' Review Version, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, November 2022, PrePrint at (first-named author, with Katina Michal and Roba Abbas)
'Card-Number Protections Depend on Data Deletion' Australian Privacy Foundation, November 2022, at
'Beyond Artificial, and Beyond Intelligence: Old-AI is Dead, Long Live New-AI and AC' Review Version, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, August 2022, PrePrint at
'40 Years of I.T. and A.I. and What It Means for the Next 20 Years' Fulbright University Vietnam YSEALI Program, June 2022, PrePrint at
'Evaluating the Impact of Digital Interventions into Social Systems: How to Balance Stakeholder Interests' International Digital Security Forum, Vienna, June 2022, PrePrint at
'Privacy practices in the general insurance industry' Financial Rights Legal Centre, April 2022, PrePrint at (first-named author, with Nigel Waters)
'Privacy, Smart Meters and Electricity Usage Data' Australian Privacy Foundation, February 2022, PrePrint at
'Responsible Application of Artificial Intelligence to Surveillance: What Prospects?' Review Draft for Information Polity, October 2021, PrePrint at
'Would the European Commission's Proposed Artificial Intelligence Act Deliver the Necessary Protections?' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, Working Paper, August 2021, at
'The EC's Proposal for Regulation of AI: Evaluation against a Consolidated Set of 50 Principles'
'A Simulation Model for COVID-19 Public Health Management: Design and Preliminary Evaluation' Proc. Bled eConference, 27-30 June 2021, PrePrint at, and slide-set
'Data Protection & Data Privacy' Lecture for ANU RSCS, May 2021, at
'IT and Data Ethics' Lecture for ANU RSCS, April 2021, at
'OAIC Guide to Securing Personal Information' Submission to OIAC, for Australian Privacy Foundation, 11 Mar 2021, at
'IT and Modelling Applications in Support of Public Health Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, March 2021 (Chapter Review Version), PrePrint at
'Simulation Modelling for COVID-19 Public Health Management' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, February 2021 (Draft Journal Article), PrePrint at
'How is Society to Risk-Manage the Threats Inherent in Applications of AI to Cybersecurity?' Panel Notes for Closing Session of 14th Workshop on the Social Implications of National Security, 18 Feb 2021, at, and slide-set
'Research Opportunities in the Regulatory Aspects of Electronic Markets' Major Revision, January 2021, at
'Do Ethical Guidelines have a Role to Play in Relation to Data Analytics and AI/ML?' Proc. 9th AiCE, November 2020, pp.40-58, PrePrint at
'Research Opportunities in the Regulatory Aspects of Electronic Markets' Review Draft, August 2020, at
'RegTech Opportunities in the Platform-Based Business Sector' Proc. Bled eConference, June 2020, pp. 79-106, PrePrint at
'Managing Technology-Associated Risk' Seminar for ANU Cyber-Law Program, 11 May 2020, at
'The COVIDsafe App: A Case Study in Professional Responsibility' Information Age, 13/14 May 2020, PrePrint at
'The Many Faces of the COVIDsafe App' UNSW Newsroom, 4 May 2020, at
'The Effectiveness of Bluetooth Proximity Apps in Tracing People with COVID-19 Exposure Risk' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, April 2020, at
'Government Responses to COVID-19: A Model of the Public Health Space' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, 19 April 2020, at, and the graphical model at
'IT and Data Ethics' Lecture for ANU RSCS, April 2020, at
'Researcher Perspectives in Electronic Markets' Electronic Markets 30,1 (Mar 2020) 15-27, PrePrint at
'The Australian Department of Industry's 'AI Ethics Principles' of September / November 2019: Evaluation against a Consolidated Set of 50 Principles' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, 12 November 2019, at
'The Current AI Push is Naive, Unethical, or Both' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, 4 October 2019, at
'Regulation of digital platforms as part of economy-wide reforms to Australia's failed privacy laws' Australian Privacy Foundation submission to the Australian Government on implementation of the ACCC's Digital Platforms Inquiry - Final Report, by Graham Greenleaf, David Lindsay, Bruce Arnold, Roger Clarke, Katherine Lane, Nigel Waters & Elizabeth Coombs, 10 September 2019, at
'Beyond De-Identification: Record Falsification to Disarm Expropriated Data-Sets' Proc. 32nd Bled eConference, June 2019, PrePrint at
'The OECD's AI Guidelines of 22 May 2019: Evaluation against a Consolidated Set of 50 Principles' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, 26 May 2019, at
Submission to Department of Industry, Innovation & Science re 'Artificial Intelligence: Australia's Ethics Framework' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, 20 May 2019, at
'Series on 'Responsible AI' Final Version for CLSR, April 2019, at
'Future-Oriented Research Agendas, and Competing Ideologies: Responses to Commentaries on 'The Digital Surveillance Economy' Journal of Information Technology 34,1 (Mar 2019) 96-100, PrePrint at
'Risks Inherent in the Digital Surveillance Economy: A Research Agenda' Journal of Information Technology 34,1 (Mar 2019) 59-80, PrePrint at
'Does AI need governance?' Submission to AHRC, with Graham Greenleaf, March 2019, at
'Researcher Perspective in Electronic Markets' Initial Draft, March 2019, at
'Digital platforms: The need to restrict surveillance capitalism' Submission to ACCC on behalf of APF, lead-author Graham Greenleaf, Feb 2019, PrePrint at
'The Responsible Application of Data Analytics' Presentation to the D2D CRC, Adelaide, at, and slide-set
'The Information Infrastructure of 1985 and of 2018: The Sociotechnical Context of Computer Law & Security' (first-named author, with M.R.Wigan), Computer Law and Security Review 30, 4 (Jul-Aug 2017) 677-700, PrePrint at
'The Impact of the Digital Surveillance Economy on Competition in Australia' Notes, July 2018, at
'Guidelines for Responsible Data Analytics' Notes for a Panel Presentation, UN Privacy Rapporteur Event, UNSW, Sydney CBD, July 2018, at
'How did we let the Digital Surveillance Economy come into existence? And what can we do about it?' Notes for a Presentation to ATSE, Canberra, July 2018, at, plus slide-set
'Towards Responsible Data Analytics: A Process Approach' Proc. Bled eConf., June 2018, (first-named author, with Kerry Taylor), PrePrint at
'Guidelines for the Responsible Application of Data Analytics' Computer Law & Security Review 34, 3 (May-Jun 2018) 467-476, PrePrint at
'Centrelink's Big Data 'Robo-Debt' Fiasco of 2016-17' Notes of January 2018, at
'A Framework for RegTech' Working Paper, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, December 2017, at
'Cyberspace, the Law, and our Future' Invited Preface for a Thematic Issue on Cyberspace and the Law of the UNSW Law Journal 40,4 (November 2017) 1493-1506, PrePrint at
'Guidelines for the Responsible Application of Data Analytics' Version of October 2017, Forthcoming, Computer Law & Security Review 34, 3 (August 2018), PrePrint at
'How do they get away with it? The Legal Framework of the Digital Surveillance Economy' presentation slide-set, September 2017 (with Angela Davy), at
'Biometrics as RegTech' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, August 2017, at
'30 Years of the Bled eConference: From Past to Future' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, June 2017, at
'Risks Inherent in the Digital Surveillance Economy: A Research Agenda' Forthcoming, Journal of Information Technology, Version of September 2017, PrePrint at
'Can Small Users Recover from the Cloud?' Computer Law & Security Review 33, 6 (December 2017) 754-767, PrePrint at
'Risks Inherent in The Digitalisation of the Individual: A Research Agenda' Working Paper, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, December 2016, PrePrint at
'Inadequacies in the UK Cabinet Office's Data Science Ethical Framework' Euro. Data Protection L. 2, 4 (Dec 2016) 555-560, PrePrint at
'Business Models for Secure Service Offerings by ISPs' Working Paper, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, November 2016, PrePrint at
'Big Data Prophylactics' Working Paper, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, November 2016, PrePrint at
'Personal Data Markets: A Matter of Perspective' Working Paper, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, September 2016, PrePrint at
'Quality Assurance for Security Applications of Big Data' Proc. Euro. Intelligence and Security Informatics Conf. (EISIC), August 2016, Uppsala, Sweden, PrePrint at
'Data Availability and Use' Submission to the Productivity Commission, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, May 2016, PrePrint at
'Deconstructing Blockchain' Working Paper, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, February 2016, PrePrint at
'Big Data, Big Risks' Information Systems Journal 26, 1 (January 2016) 77-90, PrePrint at
'SaaS Backup Fails the Fitness for Purpose Test' IEEE Cloud Computing 2, 6 (Nov-Dec 2015) 58-63, PrePrint at
'Big Data Quality Assurance' Working Paper, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, November 2015, at
'Surfing the third wave of computing: a framework for research into eObjects'Computer Law & Security Review 31,5 (October 2015) 586–603, PrePrint at (second-named author to Kayleen Manwaring)
'SaaS Backup Fails the Fitness for Purpose Test' Working Paper, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, September 2015 at
'Managing the Risk of Cloudburst: Backup Strategies for Users Dependent on Service-Providers ' Working Paper, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, September 2015 at
'Practicable Backup Arrangements for Small Organisations and Individuals' Working Paper, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, September 2015 at
'The Prospects of Easier Security for SMEs and Consumers' Computer Law & Security Review 31, 4 (August 2015) 538-552PrePrint at
'Measures to Improve Public Acceptance of Smart Metering System' Proc. 4th Int'l Wksp on Requirements Engineering for Sustainable Systems (RE4SuSy), Ottawa, 24-28 Aug 2015, PrePrint at (second-named author to Rani Yesudas)
'Consumer Concerns about Smart Meters' Proc. HCI International, Los Angeles, 2-7 Aug 2015, PrePrint at (second-named author to Rani Yesudas)
'Big Data, Big Risks' revised Working Paper, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, July 2015, at
'Big Data Quality: An Investigation using Quasi-Empirical Scenario Analysis' Proc. Bled eConference, 9 June 2015, PrePrint at
'The Digital User/ee: Consumer, Actor or Participant?' Seminar, Universität Kassel and Universität Leipzig, May 2015, at
'Risk Management for Big Data Projects' ACS Seminar-Series nationwide, January 2015, Home-Page at
'The Prospects of Easier Security for SMEs and Consumers' Working Paper, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, December 2014, at
'Quality Factors in Big Data and Big Data Analytics and Their Legal Implications' Presentation at a Privacy Experts Symposium: Bigger Data in a Smaller World, Centre for Commercial Law (Bond Uni), AustLII, CLPCommunity (UNSW), 12 December 2014, at
'Handholding or Handsets: School-Children's Tablets and Privacy' Presentation, Subanci University, Istanbul, 27 October 2014, at
'Identifying Consumer Requirements as an Antidote to Resistance to Smart Meters' Proc. IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, 12-15 October 2014, Istanbul, PrePrint at (second-named author to Rani Yesudas)
'Big Data, Big Risks' Working Paper, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, September 2014, at
'Quality Factors in Big Data and Big Data Analytics' Working Paper, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, September 2014, at
'Architecture and Data Flow Model for Consumer-Oriented Smart Meter Design' Proc. 23rd International Conference On Information Systems Development (ISD2014 Croatia), September 2014, PrePrint at (second-named author to Rani Yesudas)
'Easy Privacy for Consumer-Oriented Social Media' Presentation at the 4th Asian Privacy Scholars Network Conference, Meiji University, Tokyo, 10-11 July 2014, at
'The Prospects for Consumer-Oriented Social Media' Bled eConference June 2014, and Organizacija 47, 4 (2014) 219-230, PrePrint at
'Privacy and Social Media: An Analytical Framework' Journal of Law, Information and Science 23, 1 (April 2014) 1-23, PrePrint at
'Security vs. Privacy Trade-Off Considered Harmful' Panel Session on 'Security and Privacy: Beyond the Trade-Off Model', at CDPD, Brussels, 23 January 2014, at
'The Trade Practices Act: A Hard Act to Follow? Online Consumers and the New Australian Consumer Law Landscape' James Cook Uni. L. Rev. 20 (December 2013)(second-named author, with D. Svantesson)
'Data Risks in the Cloud’ Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 8, 3 (December 2013) 59-73, at
'Electronic Interaction Research 1988-2012 through the Lens of the Bled eConference' Electronic Markets 23, 4 (December 2013) 271-283, at (first-named author, with A. Pucihar)
'Challenges Facing the OECD's Revised Security Guidelines', at (November)
'Why Isn't Security Easier for SMEs and Consumers?', at http://www.rogerclarke.comEC/SSACS-13.html (October)
'A Framework for Risk Analysis in Smart Grid – Perspective Based Approach' Proc. 8th Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 16-18 Sep 2013, at (second-named author to Rani Yesudas)
'Consumer Concerns about Smart Meters', at (August, with Rani Yesudas)
'Cloud Computing Code', at (August, Submission to ACS)
'Open Access to Nursing Journals: An Audit of the 2010 ERA Journal List' Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing 30, 4 (June-August 2013) 5-11, at (third-named author, with K. Bail, J. Ranse and B. Rattray)
'Big Data's Big Unintended Consequences' IEEE Computer 46, 6 (June 2013) 46 - 53, at (second-named author, with M. Wigan)
'Morning Dew on the Web in Australia: 1992-95' Journal of Information Technology 28,2 (June 2013) 93-110, at
‘The Supervisor’s Dilemma: Is Reconciliation Possible between the Candidate’s Needs and the Supervisor’s Integrity’ Proc. 26th Bled Conference, Slovenia, June 2013, at
'Location and Tracking of Mobile Devices: Überveillance Stalks the Streets' Comp. L. & Security Rev. 29, 3 (May-June) 2013 216-228, at (second-named author with Michael K.)
'Review of the OECD Security Guidelines', at (March, comments to the OECD Expert Group)
'Consumer-Oriented Social Media: The Identification of Key Characteristics', at (Review Version, February)
'Whose Security? The Politics of Alternative Scope Definitions', at (January, for Oxford University)
'eConsumer Insecurity: Five Sensationalist Headlines, and Why They're True', at (January, for Uni of Koblenz WI Forum)
'The OAIC Guide to Information Security', at (January)
'Information Security for Small and Medium-Sized Organisations', at (January)
'I.T. Challenges to Information Law' Presentation to Australian Government Solicitor's Conference, Canberra, November 2012, at
'Why you should oppose a data breach notification law' OpEd Piece, itNews, October 2012, at
'The Dangers of Contactless Payment: Visa PayWave and MasterCard PayPass RFID-Chip Schemes' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, September 2012, at
'Electronic Interaction Research 1988-2012 through the Lens of the Bled eConference' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, Lead Author with Andreja Pucihar, January 2012, at
'Infrastructure for Electronic Interaction: The State of Play in 1987' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, August 2012, at
'Security, for Society: A View from the End of the World' Presentation to the Danish Council for Greater IT-Security and the Danish Society of Engineers (IDA), Subgroup on IT (IDA-IT), Copenhagen, June 2012, at
'Privacy as a Strategic Factor in Social Media: An Analysis Based on the Concepts of Trust and Distrust' Presentation at Roskilde University, June 2012, at
'The First 25 Years of the Bled eConference – Notes for the Keynote Address' Bled eConference, Slovenia, June 2012, at
'The First 25 Years of the Bled eConference' Special Section of the Bled eConference, Slovenia, June 2012, at, comprising 9 papers reviewing various aspects of the first 25 years of the Bled eConference, Editors' Introduction at, Lead-editor, with Pucihar A. & Gricar J.
'The First 25 Years of the Bled eConference: Themes and Impacts' Proc. Special Section, 25th Bled Conference, Slovenia, June 2012, at
'A Framework for the Evaluation of CloudSourcing Proposals' Proc. 25th Bled eConference, June 2012, at
'How Reliable is Cloudsourcing? A Review of Articles in the Technical Media 2005-11' Computer Law & Security Review 28, 1 (February 2012) 90-95, at
'Morning Dew on the Australian Web: 1992-95' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, January 2012, at
'Patients forgotten in setting healthcare standard' Opinion, 'The Australian', 11 October 2011, at
'Security of eTrading' Course Materials for a Final-Semester CompSci unit at ANU, October 2011, at
'What Everyone Ought to Know About Passwords' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, July 2011, at
'Reactions to Mozilla's BrowserID Proposal' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, July 2011, at
'The Cloudy Future of Consumer Computing' Proc. 24th Bled eConference, June 2011, at
'Cyber-Safety' Evidence and Testimony to the Joint Select Committee on Cyber-Safety's Inquiry into Cyber-Safety Issues Affecting Children and Young People, March 2011, at
'Security and Cloudsourcing' Presentation at a Cloud Computing Forum, Canberra, February 2011, at
'Internet Users' Second-Party Exposure' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, December 2010, at
'An Evaluation of the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy of the LinkedIn Professional Networking Service' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, December 2010, at
'How Business Payments Get Processed in Australia' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, August 2010, at
'Privacy and Consumer Risks in Cloud Computing' Computer Law & Security Review 26, 4
(July 2010) 391-397 (second-named author, with Dan Svantesson)
'Computing Clouds on the Horizon? Benefits and Risks from the User's Perspective' Proc. 23rd Bled eConference, Slovenia, June 2010, at
'Mobilising for a (Mostly) Mobile Future' Executive Report (11,000 words) Business-IT Strategies 13, 3, Cutter Consortium, June 2010
'User Requirements for Cloud Computing Architecture' Proc. 2nd Int'l Symposium on Cloud Computing, Melbourne, May 2010, at
'Cloud Computing: Managing for Benefits and Managing the Risks' Executive Report (8,000 words) Sourcing & Vendor Relationships Series 11, 1, Cutter Consortium, March 2010
'A Best Practice Model for eConsumer Protection' Computer Law & Security Review 26, 1 (January 2010) 31-37 (second-named author, with Dan Svantesson)
'Dancing with Wolves: How to Negotiate for a Fair Deal for Academic Authors' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, December 2009, at
'User Requirements for Cloud Computing Architecture' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, December 2009, at
'Computing Clouds on the Horizon? Benefits and Risks from the User's Perspective' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, November 2009, at
'Lessons from a Sufficiently Rich Model of (Id)entity, Authentication and Authorisation' Seminar at University of Toronto, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, October 2009, at
'The Shopping Cart Model' (significantly upgraded version) Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, September 2009, at
'Categories of Malware' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, September 2009, at
'A Taxonomy of Electronic Markets' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, September 2009, at
'Open Access to Journal Content as a Case Study in Unlocking IP' SCRIPTed 6, 2 (August 2009), at, Preprint at (first-named author, with Danny A. Kingsley)
'Consumer Acceptance of Potentially Intrusive Identity Authentication Mechanisms' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, June 2009, at
'An eCommerce Perspective on Carbon Trading' Proc. 22nd Bled eConference, 17-24 June 2009, at
'A Sufficiently Rich Model of (Id)entity, Authentication and Authorisation' Proc. IDIS 2009 - The 2nd Multidisciplinary Workshop on Identity in the Information Society, LSE, 5 June 2009, at, and 'Glossary', at
'Government Service Delivery: Near-Future Realities in a High-Bandwidth World' Notes for Senator Kate Lundy's Public Sphere Event on High Bandwidth for Australia, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, May 2009, at
'The Effectiveness of Privacy Policy Statements: A Pilot Study Against a Normative Template' Prepared as a chapter in 'Digital Business Security Development: Management Technologies' (Eds. Kerr D., Gammack J. & Bryant K.), December 2008, at
'An eCommerce Perspective on Carbon Trading' Address in the ECom-IComp Experts Address Series, University of Hong Kong, November 2008, at
'Innovation and the Future of Journals in the Digital Era' Invited Presentation, Open Access and Research Conference (OAR 2008), QUT, Brisbane, 26 September 2008, at
'Course Materials on eTrading' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, September 2008, at
'Web 2.0 as Syndication' J. of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 3,2 (August 2008) 30-43, at
'Terminology Relevant to 'Identity in the Information Society'' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, August 2008, at
'BledSpace: Report on a Workshop on eCollaboration within
the Bled Community
at the 21st Bled Conference', 17 June 2008, at
'B2C Distrust Factors in the Prosumer Era', Invited Keynote, Proc. Collecter IberoAmerica eCommerce Conf., Madrid, June 2008, pp. 1-12, at
'A Risk Assessment Framework for Mobile Payments' Proc. 21st Bled eCommerce Conf., June 2008, pp. 63-77, at
'Can Mobile Payments be Secure Enough?' Seminar at the Victoria University of Wellington, 1 May 2008, at
'(Id)Entities (Mis)Management: The Mythologies underlying the Business Failures' Invited Keynote for Identity Management in New Zealand, Wellington, April 2008, at
'Innovation and Open Access to Information' Submission to the Review of the National Innovation System. 21 April 2008, at
'ePublishing's Impacts on Journals and Journal Articles' J. of Internet Commerce 7, 1 (March 2008) 120-151, at (first-named author, with Danny Kingsley)
'Business Cases for Privacy-Enhancing Technologies' Chapter 7 in Subramanian R. (Ed.) 'Computer Security, Privacy and Politics: Current Issues, Challenges and Solutions' IDEA Group, 2008, pp. 135-155, at
'The Cost-Profiles of Alternative Approaches to Journal-Publishing' First Monday 12, 12 (December 2007), at
'Can Mobile Payments be Secure Enough?' Address in the ECom-IComp Experts Address Series at the University of Hong Kong, October 2007, at
'Big Brother Google', Seminar for the ANU Department of Computer Science, September 2007, at
'e-Trading' Lecture Series and Resources for ANU DCS, September 2007, at
'Health Records: Privacy Versus Quality of Care' , Panellist's Comments for an event run by the Health Informatics Network at the University of Melbourne, August 2007, at
'Security, Privacy & Reliability', Panellist's Comments at the AFR GovTech Conference, Canberra, August 2007, at
'Direct Allocation of 2TLDs' Submission to the AuDA Names Policy Panel, June 2007, at
'Web 2.0 - Tsunami or Mirage?' Seminars for the University of Koblenz (May 2007) and ANU DCS (July 2007), at
'eCollaboration - Some Looming Impediments' Panellist's Comments at the Bled eCommerce Conference, June 2007, at
'Google and Privacy' Seminar for the Koblenzer Wirtschaftsinformatik-Forum, at the University of Koblenz, May 2007, at
'The National ID Scheme Proposal ‚ Technology, Project Feasibility and Security Aspects' Presentation for a Roundtable at the Centre for Independent Studies, Sydney, April 2007, at
'The Feasibility of Consumer Device Security' Submission to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in relation to its Review of the Electronic Funds Transfer Code of Conduct, April 2007, at
'The Costs of 'National Security' to Privacy, and to Business' Invited Presentation at the Australian Information Security Association's Annual Seminar, Sydney, 24 November 2006, at
'Digital Privacy' Comments for a Panel-Session at the ACMA Information Communications Entertainment Conference, Canberra, 23-24 November 2006, at
'Towards an Understanding of the Web 2.0 Notion' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, November 2006, at
'Business Models to Support Content Commons' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, November 2006, at
'What's Google Really Up To?' Address in ECom-IComp Experts Address Series at the University of Hong Kong, 2 November 2006, at
'Make Privacy a Strategic Factor - The Why and the How' Cutter IT Journal 19, 11 (October 2006), at
'e-Trading' Lecture Series and Resources for ANU DCS, October 2006, at
'How Academe and Business Can Connect' Panel Session Presentation at ICEC'06, Fredericton NB, Canada, 15 August 2006, at
'Business Models providing Incentive to Open Content' Proc. Unlocking IP Conf., UNSW, Sydney, 11 July 2006, at
'A Major Impediment to B2C Success is ... the Concept 'B2C'' Invited Keynote, Proc. ICEC'06, Fredericton NB, Canada, 14-16 August 2006, at
'A Pilot Study of the Effectiveness of Privacy Policy Statements' Proc. 19th Bled eCommerce Conf., Slovenia, 5-7 June 2006, at
'ePublishing Business Models in the P2P Era' Seminar for the Department of Strategy and Management, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, 22 May 2006, at
'Google Challenges Corporations, Consumers and the Law' Invited presentation to Institutt for rettsinformatikk, Oslo, 19 May 2006, at
'Google's Gauntlets' Computer Law & Security Report 22, 4 (July-August 2006) 287-297, at
'The Cost-Profiles of Alternative Approaches to Journal-Publishing' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, April 2005, at (revised version)
'Mythologies of Identity Control' for an Identity Management Conference, Sydney, March 2006, at
'Open Content Licensing and a 'Fair Go' for Creatives in a Digital Environment' for a Conference in Sydney, March 2006, at
'It's Really About Identities Management, and from Both Sides' Invited Presentation to Privacy & Security Conference, Victoria BC, January 2006, at
'A Pilot Study of the Effectiveness of Privacy Policy Statements' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, January 2006, at
'Research for eGovernment: Key Issues' Invited Presentation to an EU Workshop in Brussels, October 2005, at
'e-Trading' Lecture Series and Resources for ANU DCS, October 2005, at
'IP Business Models for the TAFE Sector' for a Seminar in Melbourne, September 2005, at
'The Past, Present and Future of B2C eCommerce' Statement for a Panel Session in Sydney, September 2005, at
'P2P Technology and Its Strategic and Policy Implications' Invited Address in the ECom-IComp Experts Address Series at the University of Hong Kong, September 2005, at
'A Proposal for an Open Content Licence for Research Paper (Pr)ePrints' First Monday 10, 8 (August 2005), at
'P2P Technology and Its Implications' Seminar for ANU Dept of Computer Science, August 2005, at
'Trust Among Mobile Business Partners' Keynote Address for the 4th Int'l Conf. on Mobile Business, Sydney, July 2005, at
'Business Cases for Privacy-Enhancing Technologies' (Incomplete) Invited Paper presented to the Executive Session of PETS 2005 - 5th Workshop on Privacy-Enhancing Technologies, 2 June 2005, Cavtat, Croatia, at
'The Cost-Profiles of Alternative Approaches to Journal-Publishing' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, April 2005, at
'Revenue Models for Journal-Publishing in the Open Access Era' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, April 2005, at
'Evidence to the Victorian Parliamentary Enquiry into eDemocracy' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, March 2005, at
'Towards a P2P Research Agenda' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, January 2005, at
'eBusiness Models for Sharing Content' Invited Presentation to Unlocking I.P. Conf., U.N.S.W. Sydney, November 2004,at
'Identity Management? Or (Id)Entity Mismanagement?' Presentation for the ACS(Canberra) Branch Conference, November 2004, at
'Peer-to-Peer (P2P) - An Overview' Working Paper, October-November 2004, at
'Open Content Licensing for Research Paper (Pr)ePrints' Working Paper, September-October 2004, at
'Open Content Licensing' Seminar for the A.N.U. Department of Computer Science, September 2004, at
'The Shopping Cart Model' Working Notes, September 2004, at
'e-Trading' Lecture Series and Resources for ANU DCS, October 2004, at
'The Internet and Democracy: Has Hong Kong Left It Too Late??' Presentation at the University of Hong Kong, September 2004, at
'eBusiness Models for Content: The Closed v. The Open Approaches' Expert Address for the University of Hong Kong, September 2004, at
'eBusiness Models: Lessons from Open Source and Its Enemies' Seminar for the A.N.U. Department of Computer Science, August 2004, at
'eCommerce and eGovernment' Slides for a Roundtable at the Australian Embassy, Zagreb, June 2004, at
'Critical Developments in eBusiness' Slides for a Panel at the Bled eCommerce Conference, June 2004, at
'Open Source Software and Open Content As Models for eBusiness' Proc. 17th Int'l eCommerce Conf., Bled, Slovenia, 21-23 June 2004, at
'Is eGovernment for People, or against People? Challenges to Personal Information Management Arising from eGovernment Business Models and Technology Trends' Working Paper, June 2004, at
'Identity and Nymity: Public Policy Issues' Working Paper, June 2004, at
'The Search for Balance: The Past, Present and Future of Privacy Impact Assessments' Working Paper, June 2004, at
'The Economics of Innovation in the Information Industries' Working Paper, April 2004, at (with Dempsey G.)
'The Free Trade Agreement Provisions in Chapter 17 relating to Copyright and Patent Law: Submissions to the Joint Committee on Treaties, April 2004, at, and the Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement, at
'List of Key Submissions to the Joint Committee on Treaties', April 2004, at
'Open for eBusiness - an interview with Roger Clarke' Australian Flexible Learning Community, April 2004, at
'Identity Management: The Technologies, Their Business Value, Their Problems, Their Prospects' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, March 2004, available for fee from
'The Economic and Cultural Impacts of the Free Trade Agreement Provisions relating to Copyright and Patent Law' Working Paper, March-April 2004, at
'Very Black 'Little Black Books'' Working Paper, February 2004, at
'Submission to Queensland Transport in relation to the Proposed Smartcard-Based Driver's Licence', November 2003, at
'Regulatory Compliance? Or Regulatory Strategy?', November 2003, at
'Wireless Transmission and Mobile Technologies' Revised Working Paper, 18 October 2003, at
'Open Source and Open Content as Models for e-Business' Invited Address to the ECom-ICom Experts Series, University of Hong Kong, 25 September 2003, at, plus PowerPoint slides)
'Open Source Licensing' Resource, 25 September 2003, at
'Why Biometrics Must Be Banned' Abstract of a Presentation at the Baker & McKenzie Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre Conference on 'State Surveillance after September 11', Sydney, 8 September 2003, at, plus PowerPoint slides
'Identification and Authentication Fundamentals' Notes prepared as an introduction to a session on 'Authentication and Identification: New Paradigms', at the Conference on 'State Surveillance after September 11' , at U.N.S.W. on 8 September 2003, at
'eAuthentication Realities: You want to authenticate what???' Invited Presentations in 12 cities across Australia, July-October 2003, for the Australian Computer Society Professional Development Board, at, plus Powerpoint slide-set)
'To Share *and* To Profit - Open Content Licensing' Invited Presentation at a Debate on 'To Share or Not to Share', a plenary session of the Queensland TAFE `Shooting the Tube' Conference, Griffith Uni., Brisbane, 4 July 2003 , at, plus PowerPoint slides)
'Copyright: The Spectrum of Content Licensing' Resource on Open Source Licensing and Open Source and Open Content as Models for e-Business, 2 July 2003, at
'Authentication Re-visited: How Public Key Infrastructure Could Yet Prosper' Proc. 16th Int'l eCommerce Conf., Bled, Slovenia, 9-11 June 2003, at
'Mobile Technologies' Notes prepared for the Information Privacy + M-Commerce Symposium, Queen's University, Kingston Ontario, 31 May 2003, at
Submission to the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA) Inquiry into the Management and Integrity of Electronic Information in the Commonwealth, and in particular PKI and Gatekeeper, 10 May 2003, at
'Information Security: Major Australian Industry and Government Standards' Resource, 28 April 2003, at
'The Birth of Web Commerce' Working Paper, 21 October 2002, at
'Internet Architecture and Operation: 'Supra-National' Rather Than 'International' Governance' Invited Presentation at the Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre's Seminar on International Dimensions of Internet and e-Commerce Regulation, Sydney, 24-25 October 2002,, plus slide-set)
'Digital Property Rights vs. Human Rights: Desperate Publishing Houses Are Demanding A New Dark Ages' Invited Presentation to the A.C.S. (S.A.) Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: Trends, Tricks And Traps , Adelaide, 31 October - 1 November 2002, at, plus slide-set
'e-Trading' Lecture Series and Resources for ANU DCS, October 2002, at
'Authentication for e-Business: Current Practices, Conceptual and Implementation Issues' Invited Address to the ECom-ICom Experts Series, University of Hong Kong, 27 September 2002, at, plus PowerPoint slides)
'W(h)ither PKI?' Presentation to the China Information Technology and Law Centre, Departments of Law and CSIS, University of Hong Kong, 25 September 2002, at
'Key Features of Effective I.T. Applications for the New Economies' Keynote Address to the Hong Kong International Computer Conference, Hong Kong Convention Centre, 20 September 2002, at, plus PowerPoint slides
'Ethical and Social Aspects of I.T. - Property in Bits - IP's Impact on IP' Lecture to ANU Software Engineering students, July 2002, as PowerPoint slides
'The Mythology of Consumer Identity Authentication', Statement for a Panel Session on 'Understanding e-Business: Can we remain anonymous in the marketplace?' 24th Int'l Conf. of Data Protection & Privacy Commissioners, Cardiff UK, 9-11 September 2002, at, plus PowerPoint slides
'eAuthentication: Where's the Public Interest?' Invited Presentation to the E-Authentication Symposium and Consultation, run by the Baker & McKenzie Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, Faculty of Law, University of NSW and The National Office for the Information Economy (NOIE), 11 July 2002, at, plus PowerPoint slides
'Internet-Induced Constraints on Freedoms: The Implications for Innovation' Invited Presentation to Executives of the National Office for the Information Economy (NOIE), Canberra, July 2002, as PowerPoint slide-set, plus 'teaser' slide-set
'e-Consent: A Critical Element of Trust in e-Business' Proc. 15th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference, Bled, Slovenia, 17-19 June 2002, at, plus PowerPoint slides
'Electronic Publishing Workshop' for Candidates in the Masters in Information Management, University of Western Cape, Cape Town, 4-5 June 2002, at
'Biometrics Inadequacies & Threats & Privacy-Protective Architecture' significantly revised set of PowerPoint slides, presentation at Uni. of Hong Kong, May 2002
'Biometrics Inadequacies & Threats & Privacy-Protective Architecture', Presentation to Computers, Freedom & Privacy, San Francisco, 16-19 April 2002, at, plus PowerPoint slides
'What Needs To Be Authenticated?' Invited Presentation at A.N.U. eCommerce series, March 2002, as PowerPoint slide-set
'Why Do We Need PKI? Authentication Re-visited' Working Paper, January 2002, at
'The Re-Invention of Public Key Infrastructure' Review Draft of 22 December 2001, at
'Authentication: A Sufficiently Rich Model to Enable e-Business' Review Draft of 26 December 2001, at
'Beyond the Alligators of 21/12/2001, There's a Public Policy Swamp' Proc., Marcus Evans Conferences, Sydney, 23-24 October 2001, at
'Trust in the Context of e-Business' 1 October 2001, at
'Authentication Technologies and Their Privacy Implications: Technology and Policy Foundations' Support materials for an invited presentation to the Symposium on 'Authentication Technologies and Their Privacy Implications', run by the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB) of the National Academy of Sciences, Dulles Hyatt, Washington DC, 3-4 October 2001, at
'e-Business: Consumer Perspectives' Notes for a presentation to ASCPA (ACT) on 9 September 2001, at
'Can Digital Signatures and Public Key Infrastructure Be of Any Use in the Health Care Sector ???' Notes for a Panel Session on 'PKI in Health' at the Health Informatics Conference, Canberra, 30 July 2001, at
'Relevance of Portals to e-Government: Entry-Points, Portals and Vortals' Proc. 14th International EC Conf., Bled, Slovenia, 25-26 June 2001, PowerPoint slides at
'Towards a Taxonomy of B2B e-Commerce Schemes' Proc. 14th International EC Conf., Bled, Slovenia, 25-26 June 2001, at
'Research Challenges in Emergent e-Health Technologies' Notes to accompany a Panel Session on 'Research Challenges in Emergent e-Health Technologies', IFIP TC8 Conference on 'Developing a dynamic, integrative, multi-disciplinary research agenda in E-Commerce / E-Business', Salzburg, 22-23 June 2001, at
'If e-Business is Different, Then Research in e-Business is Too' Proc. IFIP TC8 Working Conference on E-Commerce/E-Business, Salzburg, 22-23 June 2001, at
'Electronic Publishing: A Workshop for Candidates in the Masters in Information Management, University of Western Cape, Cape Town, 13-14 June 2001, at
'Trust in Cyberspace: What eCommerce Doesn't Get' Proc. U.N.S.W. Continuing Legal Education Seminar on 'Cyberspace Regulation: eCommerce and Content', 25 May 2001, Sydney, at
'The Fundamental Inadequacies of Conventional Public Key Infrastructure' Proc. Conf. ECIS'2001, Bled, Slovenia, 27-29 June 2001, at
'Privacy as a Means of Engendering Trust in Cyberspace' UNSW L. J. 24, 1 (July 2001) 290-297, at
'Leadership Online' Proc. C&W Optus Executive Business Forum, Sydney, 29 March 2001, at
'The New Intermediaries: Value-Chain Opportunities and Threats', Proc. C&W Optus Executive Business Forum, Sydney, 29 March 2001, at
'E-Procurement: Traps & Invitations to Failure', Proc. e-Procurement Conf., IIR, 15 March 2001, PowerPoint slides at
'Why Would M-Marketing be Trusted by Consumers and Small Enterprises??' Powerpoint slides for AMTA Congress, Sydney, 27 February 2000, at
'Of Trustworthiness and Pets: What Lawyers Haven't Done for e-Business' Invited Address to the 5th Biennial Pacific Rim Computer Law Conference - Global e-Business Legal Issues for the 21st Century', Sydney, 22-24 February 2001, at
'Roger Clarke's PITs and PETs Resources Site' February 2001, at
'Introducing PITs and PETs: Technologies Affecting Privacy' Privacy Law & Policy Reporter 7, 9 (March 2001), at
'Introduction to Information Security' February 2001, at
'DRM Will Beget DCRM' Position Paper for the W3C DRM Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, 22-23 January 2001, at
'The Feasibility of Regulating Gambling on the Internet' In Managerial and Decision Economics, at (with Gillian Dempsey)
'E-Trading Topic Outline and Resources' COMP3410 - Information Technology in Electronic Commerce, November 2000, at
'Conventional Public Key Infrastructure: An Artefact Ill-Fitted to the Needs of the Information Society' November 2000, at
'e-Libraries and e-Shopping' Proc. Conf. ALIA2000, Canberra, 25 October 2000, at
'How to Ensure That Privacy Concerns Don't Undermine e-Transport Investments' Proc. AIC e-Transport Conf., Melbourne, 27-28 July 2000, at
'What Must E.C. Deliver Now?' Panellists' Statements for a Plenary Panel Session of the 13th International Electronic Commerce Conference, Bled, Slovenia, 19-21 June 2000, at
'Stephen King and E-Publishing' July 2000. at
'File-Discovery and File-Sharing Technologies (aka Peer-to-Peer or P2P): MP3, Napster and Friends, and Their Impact on Music E-Publishing' July 2000, at
'Technological Protections for Digital Copyright Objects' Proc. ECIS 2000 Conf., Vienna, 3-5 July 2000, pp. 745-752, at, with the PowerPoint slide presentation at (with Stephen Nees)
'Key Design Issues in Marketspaces for Intellectual Property Rights' Proc. 13th International EC Conf., Bled, Slovenia, 19-21 June 2000, at (with Peter Higgs and Gillian Dempsey)
'Electronic Publishing' A Workshop for Candidates in the Masters in Information Management, University of Western Cape, Cape Town, 13-14 June 2000, at
'On-Line Gambling: Authentication and Identification Technologies and Issues' Abstract, Slides and Resources for a presentation at the 3rd National Gambling Conference, Sydney, 11-12 May 2000, is at (with Gillian Dempsey)
'E-Consent: A Key Issue in the New E-Context' KPMG Conference, Barossa Valley, May 2000, PowerPoint slides
'Privacy Requirements of Public Key Infrastructure' Proc. IIR Conf., Canberra, March 2000, and PowerPoint slides, at
'Privacy Bill needs much more work', the Australian Computer Society column of The Australian, 15 February 2000, at
'Beyond the OECD Guidelines: Privacy Protection for the 21st Century', January 2000, at
'The Packer / PBL / Acxiom InfoBase', November 1999, at
'Submission to the Treasury Taskforce on Industry Self-Regulation' November 1999, at
'Person-Location and Person-Tracking: Technologies, Risks and Policy Implications' Proc. 21st International Conf. Privacy and Personal Data Protection, Hong Kong, September 1999, at
'Anonymous, Pseudonymous and Identified Transactions: The Spectrum of Choice', Proc. IFIP User Identification & Privacy Protection Conference, Stockholm, June 1999, at
'Electronic Services Delivery: From Brochure-Ware to Entry Points'. Proc. 12th International Bled EC Conf., Slovenia, June 1999, at
'The Willingness of Net-Consumers to Pay: A Lack-of-Progress Report', Proc. 12th International Bled EC Conf., Slovenia, June 1999, at
'Getting Paid on the Internet: What You Need To Know To Receive Credit-Card Payments' May 1999, for the Australian Information Industry Association Ltd, at
'Electronic Trading in Copyright Objects and Its Implications for Universities' Proc. Aust. EDUCAUSE'99 Conference, Sydney, 18-21 April 1999. Section 4 also appeared in the Australian Intellectual Property Law Bulletin 11, 8 (March 1999) 77-81, at (with Gillian Dempsey)
'The Legal Context of Privacy-Enhancing and Privacy-Sympathetic Technologies', presentation at AT&T Research Labs, Florham Park NJ, 5 April 1999, at
'Might Slow Adaptation of the Law Impede E-Commerce?', BCA Papers 1, 1 (May 1999) 61-64, Business Council of Aust, at
'Key Issues in Electronic Commerce and Electronic Publishing' Proc. Information Online and On Disc 99, Sydney, 19 - 21 January 1999, at
'Internet Marketing Code Must Respect Web Culture', for the Australian Computer Society, 'The Australian', December 1998, at
'Key Issues in Electronic Commerce and Electronic Publishing' November 1998, at
Summary of the Conference on 'Electronic Commerce: Net Benefit for Australia?', at (November 1998)
'Submission Regarding NOIE's Preliminary Statement: 'Towards an Australian Strategy for the Information Economy', at (October 1998)
'Unlocking the Willingness of Net-Consumers to Pay', November 1998, at
'Submission re the Proposed National Authentication Authority', at (September 1998)
'Introduction to Chip-Cards and Smart Cards', May 1998, at
'Europay Switzerland's SVC Project', May 1998, at
'Public Key Infrastructure: Position Statement', May 1998, at
'The Technical Feasibility of Regulating Gambling on the Internet', Proc. Conf. Gambling, Technology & Society, 7 - 8 May 1998, at (with Gillian Dempsey, Ooi Chuin Nee and Robert F. O'Connor)
'Smart Card Technical Issues Starter Kit', for Centrelink (April 1988), at
'Platform for Privacy Preferences: A Critique' (April 1998), at
'Platform for Privacy Preferences: An Overview' (April 1998), at
'Direct Marketing and Privacy', Proc. AIC Conf. on the Direct Distribution of Financial Services, Sydney, 24 February 1998, at
'Technological Aspects of Internet Crime Prevention', Proc. Conf. Internet Crime, 16-17 February, at (with Gillian Dempsey, Ooi Chuin Nee and Robert F. O'Connor)
'Smart Move by the Smart Card Industry - Part II', Privacy Law & Policy Reporter 4, 6 (November 1997) at
'Privacy On the Internet: Threats, Countermeasures and Policy' IBC 1997 Australian Privacy Forum, Sydney, 21-22 October 1997, at
'Smart Cards as National Infrastructure: Results and Recommendations of an Inter-Governmental Review: Final Report - September 1997', Government Technology & Communications Committee, c/- Office of Government Information Technology, Canberra (with David Jonas and Kevin Jeffery of ETC, and Caraline Clarke of Cards ETC, September 1997)
`Chip-Based ID: Promise and Peril', for the International Conference on Privacy, Montreal (September 1997), at
'Achieving Business Payback from Open Internet Capabilities', Lecture Notes, 19 August 1997, at
`What's Holding Up EC in Australia?', 11 August 1997, at
`Promises and Threats in Electronic Commerce' (August 1997), at
'Public Interests on the Electronic Frontier', IT Security '97, 14 & 15 August 1997, Canberra, at
`Beyond the Dublin Core: Rich Meta-Data and Convenience-of-Use Are Compatible After All', 11 July 1997, at
'The Monster from the Crypt: Impacts and Effects of Digital Money', QuestNet'97, Brisbane, 4 July 1997, at
`Electronic Commerce: Themes of the Last Decade, and the Next', 29 June 1997, Notes for the Closing Plenary Session of the 10th Bled International Electronic Commerce Conference, 11 June 1997,
'Electronic Publishing: A Specialised Form of Electronic Commerce', 10th Int'l EC Conf., Bled, Slovenia (June 1997), at
'Customer Profiling and Privacy: Implications for the Finance Industry', AIC Conference on Customer Profiling for Financial Services, Sydney (May 1997),
`Protecting Your Privacy On the Internet', Seminar on 'Consumer Protection on the Internet', The Policy Network, Mitchell Library, Sydney (April 1997),`
Smart Cards in Banking and Finance', The Australian Banker, 111,2 (April 1997), at
'The Monster from the Crypt: Impacts and Effects of Digital Money', Computers, Freedom & Privacy Conference (CFP'97), San Francisco (March 1997), at
Privacy Implications of Digital Signatures, IBC Conference on Digital Signatures, Sydney (with Graham Greenleaf, March 1997), at
'Encouraging Cyberculture', CAUSE in Australasia '97, Melbourne (March 1997), at
'Regulating Financial Services in the Marketspace: The Public's Interests, Conference of the Australian Securities Commission Conference on 'Electronic Commerce: Regulating Financial Services in the Marketspace', Sydney, 4-5 February 1997, at
'Cookies' February 1977, at
'Spam' February 1977, at
'What Do People Really Think? MasterCard's Survey of the Australian Public's Attitudes to Privacy' Privacy Law & Policy Report 3,9 (January 1997) , at
'Electronic Commerce Definitions' January 1997, at
'Electronic Publishing : Commercial Considerations', December 1996, at
`The SET Approach to Net-Based Payments', November 1996, at
`Electronic Publishing: A Phased Approach to Exploiting the Publishing Revolution', November 1996, at
`Electronic Commerce Demonstrations and Tutorials', November 1996, at
`Electronic Commerce Centres', November 1996, at
'Identification, Anonymity and Pseudonymity in Consumer Transactions: A Vital Systems Design and Public Policy Issue', Conference on 'Smart Cards: The Issues', Sydney, 18 October 1996, at
'Issues in Technology-Based Consumer Transactions', Proc. Conf. Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals (SOCAP), Albert Park, Melbourne, 26 September 1996, at
`Electronic Publishing: Business Factors', September 1996, at
`Electronic Publishing: Technology Considerations, September 1996, at
Guest Editor, Special Issue of the International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 1, 2 (Autumn 1996), on 'Diversity in Electronic Commerce Research' (primary editor, with Prof. Joze Gricar)
'Chip-Based Payment Schemes: Stored Value Cards and Beyond' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, August 1996, 140 pp., information pages at
'Financial Electronic Data Interchange in Australia' Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, August 1996, 100 pp., (supervised dissertation, author M. Plank), information pages at
'Privacy Issues in Smart Card Applications in the Retail Financial Sector', in 'Smart Cards and the Future of Your Money', Australian Commission for the Future, August 1996, pp.157-184. At
'CyberCulture: Towards the Analysis That Internet Participants Need', 15 July 1996, at
'An Exploratory Study of Collaborative Electronic Commerce Projects Involving Small and Medium Sized Enterprises', Proc. 9th International Conf. EDI-IOS, Bled, Slovenia, 11 June 1996 (secondary author, with J. Cameron), at
'Privacy, Dataveillance, Organisational Strategy' (the original version was a Keynote Address for the I.S. Audit & Control Association Conf. (EDPAC'96), Perth, 28 May 1996). At
Cryptography in Plain Text', published in Privacy Law & Policy Reporter 3, 4 (May 1996). At
'Crypto-Confusion: Mutual Non-Comprehension Threatens Exploitation of the GII' Privacy Law & Policy Reporter 3, 4 (May 1996). At
`The Mondex Value-Card Scheme: A Mid-Term Report', 15 February 1996, Chapter from Clarke R. 'Chip-Based Payment Schemes: Stored-Value Cards and Beyond', Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, Canberra, September 1996, at
`Beyond the Jungle: Strategic Information Systems Theory in 'Low-Competitive' Contexts', 10 February 1996, at
'Smart move by the smart card industry: The Smart Card Industry's Code of Conduct' Privacy Law & Policy Reporter 2, 10 (January 1996) 189-191, 195. At
`Issues Arising from Electronic Payment Mechanisms', December 1995, at
`Introduction to Electronic Payment Mechanisms', December 1995, at
`Net-Based Payment Schemes', November 1995, at
`The Information Age as Threat', October 1995, at
'Transaction Anonymity and Pseudonymity' Privacy Law & Policy Reporter 2, 5 (June/July 1995) 88-90
Proc. Int'l Conf. EDI and Interorganizational Systems, June 1995, ISBN 86-81049-88-7 (24 papers, 388 pp.) Co-Editor with Gricar J. & Novak J.
'International Trade EDI in Australia' May 1995, 100 pp. (with K. Jeffery)
'EDI in Australia: 1993-94', May 1995, 100 pp. (with K. Jeffery)
'The Strategic Significance for Business and Government of Information Infrastructure and Technoculture' Proc. Conf. East Asian Conf. on Infrastructure for the 21st Century, Kuala Lumpur, 2 May 1995, at
`Summary Report: Survey of the EDI Capability of Suppliers to Australian Government Agencies (SECSAGA)', April 1995, at
`Netethiquette: Mini Case Studies of Dysfunctional Human Behaviour on the Net', April 1995, at
'When Do They Need to Know 'Whodunnit?': The Justification for Transaction Identification; The Scope for Transaction Anonymity and Pseudonymity' Proc. Conf. Computers, Freedom & Privacy, San Francisco, 31 March 1995. At Revised version published as 'Transaction Anonymity and Pseudonymity' Privacy Law & Policy Reporter 2, 5 (June/July 1995) 88-90
'Human Identification in Information Systems: Management Challenges and Public Policy Issues' Info. Technology & People 7,4 (December 1994). At
'The Australian Information Infrastructure: Economic and Policy Issues' A.N.U., November 1994, 100 pp., , Abstract and Contents at
'Information Infrastructure Policy Issues' Policy 10,3 (Spring 1994), at
'Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in International Trade: Frameworks for the Strategic Analysis of Ocean Port Communities' J. Strat. Inf. Sys. 4,3 (September 1994) (with Wrigley C., Wagenaar R.)
`The Path of Development of Strategic Information Systems Theory', 14 July 1994', at
`Vision for a Networked Nation: The Public Interest in Network Services' Proc. Conf. Int'l Telecommunications Soc., Sydney, July 1994 (with T. Worthington)
'The Path of EDI Application in Australian Government Agencies: 1989-94' Proc. Int'l EDI Users' Congress, EDI Council of the U.K., Brighton, 14-17 June 1994, at
'GPIE: A 6-Year Longitudinal Research Project into Government Practices and Intentions Relating To Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)' Presentation to the EDI Research & Teaching Symposium, Bled, Slovenia, June 1994
'EDI in Australian International Trade and Transportation' Proc. 7th EDI-IOS Conf., Bled, Slovenia, June 1994, at
'Report on EDI Implementation in the Transport Sector' National Consultative Group on Transport EDI, Clth Department of Transport, June 1994, 140 pp. (chair of Committee, and cco-ordinator of research and report)
`The Digital Persona and Its Application to Data Surveillance' The Information Society 10,2 (June 1994). At
`Case Study: OM Financial Derivative Exchanges', 19 June 1994, at
`Progress in the Use of EDI in the Australian Federal Government As Revealed by Longitudinal Research', EDI World Institute Bulletin, 8 April 1994, at
`Commodity Futures Trading at the CBOT', March 1994, at
`Price Chopper Supermarkets: Integrated POS Services and Advanced EDI', 20 March 1994, at
'Lessons from the the Swiss PTT's Multi-Function Chip-Card project, 1985-94' Proc. Conf. Plastic Cards, IIR, Sydney, March 1994
'Electronic Support for Research Practice' The Information Society 10,1 (March 1994), at
`Purchasing-Related Electronic Information Management: Economic, Social and Political Considerations', Prepared for Purchasing Australia, Commonwealth Department of Administrative Services as part of the PREIM Consultancy Project', February 1994,
`FAST: Food for Strategic Thought', 17 December 1993, at
'SECSAGA: Survey of the EDI Capability of Suppliers to Australian Government Agencies' Department of Commerce, Australian National University (December 1993) 64 pp. (with Jeffery K.)
'EDI: The Practices and Intentions of Agencies of the Commonwealth Government - 2nd Survey Report 1993/94' Dept of Commerce, Aust. National Uni. (December 1993) 82 pp. (with Jeffery K.)
'AARNet Economics: How to Avoid Cooking the Golden Goose' Proc. Conf. Networking'93, AARNet, Melbourne, 30 Nov - 3 Dec 1993, at
'EDI Is But One Element of Electronic Commerce' Proc. 6th Int'l EDI Conf., Bled Slovenia, 7-9 June 1993, at
'Electronic Support for Research Practice: The Inadequacy of Economic Analysis in a Time of Revolutionary Change' Proc. Conf. 'Changes in Scholarly Communication Patterns: Australia and the Electronic Library', Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, 14-16 April 1993, revised version published in The Information Society 10,1 (March 1994), at
'Research Report: Transport Data Network International (TDNI)' Dept of Commerce, A.N.U., 19 March 1993
'Progress Report on the Multi-Function Chip-Card Pilot of the Swiss PTT' Proc. Conf. Plastic Cards in the Retail Sector, IIR, Sydney, 29-30 March 1993
'EDI Growth Patterns in Commonwealth Government Agencies' Proc. Int'l EDI Users' Congress, EDI Council of Australia, Gold Coast, 24-26 March 1993
'The Strategic Intent of On-Line Trading Systems: A Case Study in National Livestock Marketing' J. Strategic Inf. Sys. 2,1 (March 1993) (primary author, with M. Jenkins), at
'Grundlagen und Spezifika der österreichischen Situation am Sektor EDI' Forschungsbericht 92.03, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, November 1992 (Co-Editor with H.-J. Steffl)
'Commonwealth Government Practices and Intentions Relating to EDI: Report on a Survey' A.N.U. (October 1992), 120 pp. (primary author, with P. Campbell and S. Telfer)
'Data Interchange and International Competitiveness' Business Council Bulletin (September 1992), at
'Extra-Organisational Systems: A Challenge to the Software Engineering Paradigm' Proc. IFIP World Congress, Madrid (September 1992), at
'Survey of Purchasing-Related EDI in Government: Report' Report on contracted research for the Information Exchange Steering Committee, Clth Dept. of Finance, September 1992, 100 pp. (primary author, with P. Campbell and D. Maguire)
'Corporate EDI Gateways: Their Rationale, Functions and Architecture' Proc. 5th Int'l Conf. EDI, Bled, Slovenia (September 1992) (primary author, with P. Hudson)
`Information Technology and University Operations: A Status Report dated 10 November 2001, 10 September 1992, at
'Strategic Information Systems: Retrospect and Prospect' Proc. Int'l Conf. Inf. Sys. and Organisations, Bled, Slovenia (August 1992)
`On-Line Trading at the Singapore Hog Auction Market (HAM)'. 25 July 1992, at
'A Contingency Model of EDI's Impact on Industry Sectors' J. Strategic Inf. Sys. 1,3 (June 1992), at
'EDI und die öffentliche Verwaltung' ('EDI and government administration', in German) Verwaltung/Organisation/Personal - VOP 14,2 (März/Apr 1992)
'Case Study Cardomat/Migros: An Open EFT/POS System' Austral. Comp. J. 24,1 (February 1992), at ../EC/CSCM-ACJ-199202.pdf
'A Successful, Retailer-Driven EFT/POS System in the Large Migros Cooperative, Switzerland' Proc. Conf. Plastic Cards and Electronic Payment Systems, IIR, Sydney, Nov 1991
'The International Significance of Electronic Data Interchange' in Palvia S. Palvia P. & Zigli R.M. (Eds.) 'Global Issues in Information Technology' Ideas Group Publ., 1991 (primary author, with J. Griçar, P. de Luca, T. Imai, D. McCubbrey & P.M.C. Swatman)
'Towards a Framework for the Study of EDI's Impact on Industry Sectors' Proc. 4th Int'l Conf. EDI, Bled, Yugoslavia (June 1991), revised version published in J. Strategic Inf. Sys. 1,3 (June 1992), at
'EDI & Commonwealth Purchasing' Report on contracted research for the Department of Administrative Services (May 1991), 70 pp. (primary author, with P. Colvin)
'Commonwealth Government Practices and Intentions Relating to EFTS, EFT/POS and EDI: Report on a Survey', A.N.U. (September 1990), 100 pp. (primary author, with M. Pedler, P. Campbell and P.M.C. Swatman)
'EDI's Organisational, Sectoral and International Implications' Proc. HCC4, IFIP, Dublin, July 1990. Republished in Berleur J. & Sizer R. (Eds.) 'Information Technology Assessment', Elsevier / North-Holland, 1991 (with P.M.C. Swatman)
'rip - stanje v svetu' ('EDI - An International Perspective', in Slovenian) Organizacija in kadri (Mgt & Human Resources) 7,8 (November 1990) (with J. Griçar, P. de Luca, T. Imai & D. McCubbrey)
'Consumer EFTS in Australia: Privacy Considerations' Comp. & Security Law Reporter 6,1 (May/June 1990) (with Graham Greenleaf)
'Consumer EFTS in Australia: Dispute Resolution Mechanisms' Comp. & Security Law Reporter 5,6 (March/April 1990)
'Consumer EFTS in Australia: Security Issues' Comp. & Security Law Reporter 5,5 (January/February 1990)
'Consumer EFTS in Australia: An Introduction' Comp. & Security Law Reporter 5,4, (November/December 1989) (with M. Walters)
'Who is Liable for Software Error? The Applicability of Australia's Proposed New Product Liability Law to Computer Software' Comp. & Security Law Reporter 5,1 (May/June 1989)
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The content and infrastructure for these community service pages are provided by Roger Clarke through his consultancy company, Xamax. From the site's beginnings in August 1994 until February 2009, the infrastructure was provided by the Australian National University. During that time, the site accumulated close to 30 million hits. It passed 75 million in late 2024. Sponsored by the Gallery, Bunhybee Grasslands, the extended Clarke Family, Knights of the Spatchcock and their drummer |
Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd ACN: 002 360 456 78 Sidaway St, Chapman ACT 2611 AUSTRALIA Tel: +61 2 6288 6916 |
Created: 18 February 1995 - Last Amended: 31 December 2023 by Roger Clarke - Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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