The 'Whats New' page of this site indexes recent publications, classified
This document contains the archives for 2015, under the same headings:
Where appropriate, papers appear under two or more classifications.
Archives are available for 2015, 2014,
2013, 2012,
2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007,
2006, 2005, 2004,
2002, 2001, 2000,
1999, 1998, 1997,
1996 and 1995.
I also maintain an archive of my presentations since 1995.
Electronic Commerce - 2015
- Commentary on Data, Analytics, Values, and Models (December)
- Big Data Quality Assurance (November, plus slide-set)
- Papers on Backup (Review versions, September):
- Big Data, Big Risks (July, Final Version, plus
Supplementary Materials)
- Measures to Improve Public Acceptance of Smart
Metering System (lead-authored by Rani Yesudas, July)
- The Digital User/ee: Consumer, Actor or Participant? (Seminar,
Uni. Kassel u. Uni. Leipzig, May)
- Networked Applications, and Their Security (March, for a second-year ANU
CompSci unit)
- Consumer Friendly Smart Metering Applications using
Design Science (lead-authored by Rani Yesudas, February)
- Managing the Risk of Cloudburst: Backup Strategies
for Users Dependent on Service-Providers (Draft, February)
- Risk Management for Big Data Projects (ACS Seminar-Series
nationwide, January)
- Big Data Quality: An Investigation using Quasi-Empirical
Scenario Analysis (January, for Bled)
- Practicable Backup Arrangements for Micro-Organisations
and Individuals (Draft, January)
Go back to the 2014 entries
Information Infrastructure - 2015
- Direct Registration in .au (Further Submission to auDA, September)
- Papers on Backup (Review versions, September):
- Direct Registration in .au (Submission to auDA, June)
- Surfing the third wave of computing: a framework
for research into eObjects (PrePrint, PDF only, second author to Kayleen
Manwaring, June)
- The Digital User/ee: Consumer, Actor or Participant? (Seminar,
Universität Kassel, May)
- Political Freedom: Positive and Negative Effects
of Mobile and Internet Applications (For a presentation in Bielefeld DE, March)
- The Internet That We Want(ed)? (Panellist's
Notes, Sydney, March)
- Telecommunications Act s.313 (Evidence to a Parliamentary Ctee, for APF, March)
- Networked Applications, and Their Security (March, for a second-year ANU
CompSci unit)
- Current Concerns about Media Standards (Australian
Press Council, Sydney, February)
- Managing the Risk of Cloudburst: Backup Strategies
for Users Dependent on Service-Providers (Draft, February)
- Data Retention Aspects of the Telcommunications (Access and Interception) Act (Evidence to a Senate Committee)
- The Data Retention Bill (Evidence to a Parliamentary Committee, January)
Go back to the 2014 entries
Identity - 2015
Go back to the 2014 entries
Data Surveillance and Information Privacy - 2015
- Commentary on Data, Analytics, Values, and Models (December)
- Managing Drones' Safety and Privacy Impacts (Presentation,
- A Framework for Analysing Technology's Negative and Positive Impacts
on Freedom and Privacy, plus Supporting Materials (Review
Version, August)
- Privacy Impact Assessments as a Control Mechanism
for Australian National Security Initiatives (Working Paper, August, used as a basis for
a segment on ABC Lateline)
- Freedom and Privacy: Positive and Negative Effects
of Mobile and Internet Applications (For a presentation in Bielefeld DE, March)
- Telecommunications Act s.313 (Evidence to a Parliamentary Ctee, for APF, March)
- Current Concerns about Media Standards (Australian Press Council, February)
- Data Retention Aspects of the Telcommunications (Access and Interception) Act (Evidence to a Senate Committee)
- The Data Retention Bill (Evidence to a Parliamentary Committee, January)
- Risk Management for Big Data Projects (January)
- Big Data Quality: An Investigation using Quasi-Empirical
Scenario Analysis (January)
Go back to the 2014 entries
Other Areas - 2015
- Archetypes and the Ambiguous Notion of 'Career' (November, for a Panel
at the ACIS PhD Consortium, plus slides)
- Pragmatic Approaches to Drone Regulation (November)
- Managing Drones' Safety and Privacy Impacts (Presentation,
- Not Only Horses Wear Blinkers: The Missing Perspectives in IS Research
(ACIS'15 Keynote, October)
- Public Policy and IS research (ICIS'15 Panel Presentation notes
and slide-set, October)
- The Missing Perspectives in IS Research (Working Paper, September)
- Surfing the third wave of computing: a framework
for research into eObjects (PrePrint, PDF only, second author to Kayleen
Manwaring, June)
- The IS Discipline and Public Policy (Working Paper, April)
- The Concept of Entity Perspective and Its Implications for IS
Research (April)
- Managing the Risk of Cloudburst: Backup Strategies
for Users Dependent on Service-Providers (February)
- Practicable Backup Arrangements for Micro-Organisations and Individuals (January)
Go back to the 2014 entries
Created: 11 May 1997 -
Last Amended: 24 October 2016
by Roger Clarke
- Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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