The 'Whats New' segment of this site indexes recent publications, classified
Where appropriate, papers appears under two or more classifications.
This document contains the archives for 2003, under the same headings:
Archives are also available for
2002, 2001, 2000,
1999, 1998, 1997,
1996 and 1995.
Electronic Commerce - 2003
- Alternative Decision Models in Consumer Internet
Commerce (December, for a conference in Italy)
- Regulatory Compliance?
Or Regulatory Strategy (October)
- Wireless Transmission and Mobile Technologies
- Open Source and Open Content as Models for
e-Business (September, for presentation in Hong Kong on 25 September,
plus PowerPoint slides)
- Open Source Licensing (September)
- Why Biometrics Must Be Banned (August,
for presentation at a conference in Sydney on 8 September, plus PowerPoint
- Identification and Authentication Fundamentals
(August, for Conference Session in Sydney on 8 September)
- eAuthentication Realities: You want to authenticate
what??? (ACS Seminar series, July-October, including Powerpoint
- To Share *and* To Profit - Open Content
Licensing (June, for a conference in Brisbane, plus PowerPoint
- Copyright: The Spectrum of Content Licensing
(June, backgrounder for a conference in Brisbane)
- Mobile Technologies (May, for a conference
in Kingston Ontario)
- Submission to the Joint Parliamentary Committee
on Public Accounts and Audit (JPAA) re its Inquiry into the Management
and Integrity of Electronic Information in the Commonwealth, and in particular
PKI and Gatekeeper (May)
- Information Security: Major Australian
Industry and Government Standards (May)
- Authentication Re-visited: How Public Key Infrastructure
Could Yet Prosper (for Bled Conference in June)
Go back to the 2002 entries
Information Infrastructure - 2003
Go back to the 2002 entries
Data Surveillance and Information Privacy - 2003
- Submission to Queensland Transport in relation
to the Proposed Smartcard-Based Driver's Licence (November)
- new pages prepared for the Australian Privacy Foundation's site (November):
- Wireless Transmission and Mobile Technologies
- 'Information Privacy in a Globally Networked
Society: Implications for IS Research' (October)
- Why Biometrics Must Be Banned (August,
for presentation at a conference in Sydney on 8 September, plus PowerPoint
- Identification and Authentication Fundamentals
(August, for Conference Session in Sydney on 8 September)
- Privacy on the Move: The Impacts of Mobile Technologies
on Consumers and Citizens (Abstract, May, for a conference in Kingston
- Mobile Technologies (May, for a conference
in Kingston Ontario)
- Emergent Privacy Protection Principles (April)
- Dataveillance - 15 Years On (presented in
Wellington in March, together with a slide-set)
- Why I'm Not Going to CFP 2003 (March)
- enhanced versions of pages prepared for the Australian Privacy
Foundation's site (February-April):
- ENUM - A Case Study in Social Irresponsibility
(revised version for PLPR, March)
- SmartGate: A Face Recognition Trial at Sydney
Airport (February)
- Biometrics in Airports: How To, and How Not
To, Stop Mahommed Atta and Friends (revision of February)
- The Scope for Privacy-Sensitive Biometric Architecture
(revision of February)
Go back to the 2002 entries
Other Areas - 2003
Go back to the 2002 entries
Created: 11 May 1997 -
Last Amended: 31 January 2009
by Roger Clarke
- Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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