The 'Whats New' segment of this site indexes recent publications, classified
This document contains the archives for 2013, under the same headings:
Where appropriate, papers appear under two or more classifications.
Archives are available for 2012,
2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007,
2006, 2005, 2004,
2002, 2001, 2000,
1999, 1998, 1997,
1996 and 1995.
I also maintain an archive of my presentations since 1995.
Electronic Commerce - 2013
- Challenges Facing the OECD's Revised Security
Guidelines (November)
- Why Isn't Security Easier for SMEs and Consumers? (October,
plus slide-set)
- Consumer Concerns about Smart Meters (August,
with Rani Yesudas)
- Cloud Computing Code (August,
Submission to ACS)
- Framework for Risk Analysis in Smart Grid: Perspective
Based Approach (June, for CRITIS in Amsterdam, with Rani Yesudas)
- Data Risks in the Cloud (April, for JTAER)
- Big Data's Big Unintended Consequences
(March, Final, for IEEE Computer, with Marcus Wigan)
- Review of the OECD Security Guidelines (March,
comments to the OECD Expert Group)
- The Supervisor's Dilemma: Is Reconciliation Possible
between the Candidate's Needs and the Supervisor's Integrity? (March,
for Bled, plus slide-set)
- Consumer-Oriented Social Media: The Identification
of Key Characteristics (Review Version, February)
- Big Data's Big Unintended Consequences
(January, with Marcus Wigan)
- Whose Security? The Politics of Alternative Scope
Definitions (January, for Oxford University)
- eConsumer Insecurity: Five Sensationalist Headlines,
and Why They're True (January, for Uni of Koblenz WI Forum)
- The OAIC Guide to Information Security (January, Submission to
the Clth Privacy Commissioner)
- Information Security for
Small and Medium-Sized Organisations (January)
Go back to the 2012 entries
Information Infrastructure - 2013
- Challenges Facing the OECD's Revised Security
Guidelines (November)
- Privacy and Social Media: An Analytical Framework (November,
Final Journal Version)
- Why Isn't Security Easier for SMEs and Consumers? (October,
plus slide-set)
- Cloud Computing Code (August,
Submission to ACS)
- Privacy and Social Media: An Analytical Framework (Review
Version, May)
- Data Risks in the Cloud (April, for JTAER)
- Review of the OECD Security Guidelines (March,
comments to the OECD Expert Group)
- Course Materials on Networked Applications (March,
for a second-year ANU CompSci unit)
- The New Meaning of 'Point of View': Media Uses
and Abuses of New Surveillance Tools (February, for the Australian Press
- Consumer-Oriented Social Media: The Identification
of Key Characteristics (February)
- eConsumer Insecurity: Five Sensationalist Headlines,
and Why They're True (January, for Uni of Koblenz WI Forum)
Go back to the 2012 entries
Identity - 2013
Go back to the 2012 entries
Data Surveillance and Information Privacy - 2013
- Challenges Facing the OECD's Revised Security
Guidelines (November)
- Privacy and Social Media: An Analytical Framework (November,
Final Journal Version)
- Submission re Serious Invasions of Privacy
in the Digital Era (November, 6th-named co-author, for APF, to ALRC)
- Surveillance by the Australian Media, and Its Regulation (Revised
Version, November)
- Drones 4 of 4 – The Regulation of Drones' Applications to Surveillance (November)
- Why Isn't Security Easier for SMEs and Consumers? (October,
plus slide-set)
- International
Data Privacy Standards: A Global Approach (September, for the Australian Privacy Foundation – 3rd-named
author with Graham Greenleaf)
- Cloud Computing Code (August,
Submission to ACS)
- Privacy and Social Media: An Analytical Framework (Review
Version, May)
- From Dataveillance to Ueberveillance (May)
- Data Breach Notification (May, Supplementary Policy Statement for the APF)
- Privacy Impact Assessments (April,
Policy Statement for the APF)
- Meta-Principles for Privacy Protection (April,
Policy Statement for the APF)
- Data Breach Notification (April,
Policy Statement for the APF)
- Big Data's Big Unintended Consequences
(March, Final, for IEEE Computer, with Marcus Wigan)
- The New Meaning of 'Point of View': Media Uses
and Abuses of New Surveillance Tools (February, for the Australian Press
- Consumer-Oriented Social Media: The Identification
of Key Characteristics (February)
- The Resilience of Society in the Face of Surveillance
(February, for IRISS in Brussels)
- Big Data's Big Unintended Consequences
(January, for IEEE C&S, with Marcus Wigan)
- State Surveillance and Its Governance (January,
for CPDP in Brussels)
- Whose Security? The Politics of Alternative Scope
Definitions (January, for Oxford University)
- The OAIC Guide to Information Security (January, Submission to
the Clth Privacy Commissioner)
- Information Security for
Small and Medium-Sized Organisations (January)
Go back to the 2012 entries
Other Areas - 2013
Go back to the 2012 entries
Created: 11 May 1997 -
Last Amended: 24 Dec 2014
by Roger Clarke
- Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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