The 'Whats New' segment of this site indexes recent publications, classified
Where appropriate, papers appears under two or more classifications.
This document contains the archives for 2006, under the same headings:
Archives are also available for 2005, 2004, 2003,
2002, 2001, 2000,
1999, 1998, 1997,
1996 and 1995.
Electronic Commerce - 2006
- Requirements and Options for PLPR as an
Open Journal (December)
- The Cost of 'National Security' to Privacy, and
to Business (November, invited presentation in Sydney, and
- Digital Privacy (November, invited panel
presentation in Canberra, and slides)
- Towards an Understanding of the Web 2.0 Notion
- Business Models to Support Content Commons
- What's Google Really Up To? (October,
Invited 'Expert Address' at Uni of Hong Kong)
- Avoid Privacy-Based Distrust - The Why, and
The How (September, invited paper for the Cutter IT Journal)
- Course Materials on eTrading (September, for
a final-semester ANU CompSci unit)
- Slides on Information Security and on
the Malware Menagerie (September, for
a Macquarie Uni LLM unit)
- How Academe and Business Can Connect (July,
for a Panel at ICEC'06, Fredericton, Canada, incl. slide-set
1 and slide-set 2)
- Business Models providing Incentive to Open
Content (July, for a presentation in Sydney)
- A Major Impediment to B2C Success is ... the Concept
'B2C' (July, for a Keynote at ICEC'06, Fredericton, Canada, incl. slide-set)
- A Pilot Study of the Effectiveness of Privacy
Policy Statements (June, for the Bled eCommerce Conference, incl. slide-set)
- ePublishing Business Models in the P2P
Era (May, for presentation in Bergen, including slide-set)
- Google's Gauntlets (April, for presentation
in Oslo, including 2.6MB slide-set)
- Google's Gauntlets (April, final version
for CLSR)
- The Cost-Profiles of Alternative Approaches to
Journal-Publishing (March, revised version)
- Mythologies of Identity Control (March,
for a Sydney Conference, plus slide-set)
- Open Content Licensing and a 'Fair Go' for Creatives
in a Digital Environment (March, for a Sydney Seminar)
- It's Really About Identities Management,
and from Both Sides (January, for a Canadian Conference)
- A Pilot Study of the Effectiveness of Privacy
Policy Statements (January)
Go back to the 2005 entries
Information Infrastructure - 2006
- Requirements and Options for PLPR as an
Open Journal (December)
- Digital Privacy (November, invited panel
presentation in Canberra, and slides)
- Towards an Understanding of the Web 2.0 Notion
- Business Models to Support Content Commons (November)
- Citizendium v. Wikipedia: How to QA Open Content?
(November, Contribution to the
'Unlocking IP' Team Blog)
- What's Google Really Up To? (October,
Invited 'Expert Address' at Uni of Hong Kong)
- Slides on Information Security and on
the Malware Menagerie (September, for
a Macquarie Uni LLM unit)
- Employee Dismissal on the Basis of Offending
Images on Their Workstation (September)
- Business Models providing Incentive to Open
Content (July, for a presentation in Sydney)
- A Major Impediment to B2C Success is ... the Concept
'B2C' (July, for a Keynote at ICEC'06, Fredericton, Canada)
- ePublishing Business Models in the P2P
Era (May, for presentation in Bergen, including slide-set)
- Google's Gauntlets (April, for presentation
in Oslo, including 2.6MB slide-set)
- Google's Gauntlets (April, final version
for CLSR)
- The Cost-Profiles of Alternative Approaches to
Journal-Publishing (March, revised version)
- Mythologies of Identity Control (March,
for a Sydney Conference, plus slide-set)
- Open Content Licensing and a 'Fair Go' for Creatives
in a Digital Environment (March, for a Sydney Seminar)
- An Open and Closed Case: PrePrints and PostPrints
in Digital Repositories (February, for a Sydney Conference)
Go back to the 2005 entries
Data Surveillance and Information Privacy - 2006
- The Cost of 'National Security' to Privacy, and
to Business (November, invited presentation in Sydney, and
- Digital Privacy (November, invited panel
presentation in Canberra, and slides)
- What's Google Really Up To? (October,
Invited 'Expert Address' at Uni of Hong Kong)
- Avoid Privacy-Based Distrust - The Why, and
The How (September, invited paper for the Cutter IT Journal)
- Privacy and Corporations (September)
- Slides on Information Security and on
the Malware Menagerie (September, for
a Macquarie Uni LLM unit)
- What's Privacy? (July, for a meeting with
the ALRC)
- A Major Impediment to B2C Success is ... the Concept
'B2C' (July, for a Keynote at ICEC'06, Fredericton, Canada)
- A Pilot Study of the Effectiveness of Privacy
Policy Statements (June, for the Bled eCommerce Conference, incl. slide-set)
- Google's Gauntlets (April, for presentation
in Oslo, including 2.6MB slide-set)
- Google's Gauntlets (April, final version
for CLSR)
- Social Impacts of Transport Surveillance
(March, with Marcus Wigan)
- Smart Cards and Biometrics: Is a Nightmare-Free
Australia Card Feasible? (March, for a Canberra Seminar, plus slide-set)
- Mythologies of Identity Control (March,
for a Sydney Conference, plus slide-set)
- National Identity Schemes (January)
- National Identity Cards? Bust the Myth
of 'Security über Alles'! (January, for a Canadian Conference, plus slide-set)
- (Id)entities Management, and Nym Management,
for People not just of People (January, for a Canadian Conference, plus
- A Pilot Study of the Effectiveness of Privacy
Policy Statements (January, for the Bled eCommerce Conference)
Go back to the 2005 entries
Other Areas - 2006
Go back to the 2005 entries
Created: 11 May 1997 -
Last Amended: 31 January 2009
by Roger Clarke
- Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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