The 'Whats New' segment of this site indexes recent publications, classified
Where appropriate, papers appears under two or more classifications.
This document contains the archives for 2005, under the same headings:
Archives are also available for 2004, 2003,
2002, 2001, 2000,
1999, 1998, 1997,
1996 and 1995.
Electronic Commerce - 2005
- Research for eGovernment: Key Issues (October, for an EU Workshop in Brussels)
- Course Materials on eTrading (September, for
a final-semester ANU CompSci unit)
- IP Business Models for the TAFE Sector
(September, for a Seminar in Melbourne)
- The Past, Present and Future of B2C eCommerce
(September, for a Panel Session in Sydney)
- P2P Technology and Its Strategic and
Policy Implications (September, for the ECom-IComp Experts Address Series
at the University of Hong Kong, plus slides)
- A Standard Copyright Licence for PostPrints
- P2P Technology and Its Implications
(3 August, for the ANU Dept of Comp Sci, plus slides)
- P2P Technology and Its Legal and Policy
Implications (27 July, for UNSW Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre, plus
- MyKad - the Malaysian ID Card (July)
- Trust Among Mobile Business Partners (July,
Keynote for the 4th Int'l Conf. on Mobile Business, plus slides
in Ppt4 or Ppt 98 - file-size 800KB)
- Business Cases for Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
(June, for the Dubrovnik PETs Conference, plus slides
- file-size 2MB)
- Journal Publishing:
- A Proposal for an Open Content Licence for Research
Paper (Pr)ePrints (March, for First Monday)
- Evidence to the Victorian Parliamentary
Enquiry into eDemocracy (March)
- Towards a P2P Research Agenda (January)
Go back to the 2004 entries
Information Infrastructure - 2005
- Gurgle - The Turmoil Induced by a Search-Engine (December, for CLSR)
- Google - The Privacy Perspective (December, for Open Democracy)
- Google - User Perspectives (December, for an ANU Seminar)
- Research for eGovernment: Key Issues (October, for an EU Workshop in Brussels)
- Course Materials on eTrading (September, for a final-semester ANU CompSci unit)
- IP Business Models for the TAFE Sector (September, for a Seminar in Melbourne)
- The Past, Present and Future of B2C eCommerce (September, for a Panel Session in Sydney)
- P2P Technology and Its Strategic and
Policy Implications (September, for the ECom-IComp Experts Address Series
at the University of Hong Kong, plus slides)
- A Standard Copyright Licence for PostPrints (August)
- P2P Technology and Its Implications
(3 August, for the ANU Dept of Comp Sci, plus slides)
- P2P Technology and Its Legal and Policy
Implications (27 July, for UNSW Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre, plus
- ENUM Trials Create Serious Privacy Concerns
- Trust Among Mobile Business Partners (July,
Keynote for the 4th Int'l Conf. on Mobile Business, plus slides
in Ppt4 or Ppt 98 - file-size 800KB)
- Journal Publishing:
- A Proposal for an Open Content Licence for Research
Paper (Pr)ePrints (March, for First Monday – published in August)
- Evidence to the Victorian Parliamentary
Enquiry into eDemocracy (March)
- Towards a P2P Research Agenda (January)
Go back to the 2004 entries
Data Surveillance and Information Privacy - 2005
- Gurgle - The Turmoil Induced by a Search-Engine
(December, for CLSR)
- Evaluation of Google's Privacy Statement against the Privacy Statement Template (December)
- Privacy Statement Template, and Information About the Privacy Statement Template (December)
- Google - The Privacy Perspective (December,
for Open Democracy)
- Google - User Perspectives (December,
for an ANU Seminar)
- Submission re the Anti-Terrorism Bill
to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee (November)
- ABS's Proposals
for Radical Alterations to the Census -Web-Page Updates, for the Australian
Privacy Foundation (August)
- Visual Surveillance and Privacy (August)
- IDologists (interview in The Sydney
Morning Herald, 2 August)
- MyKad - the Malaysian ID Card (July)
- National ID Card Proposals 2005, on behalf of the Australian Privacy Foundation:
- ENUM Trials Create Serious Privacy Concerns
- Business Cases for Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
(for the Dubrovnik PETs Conference in June, plus slides
- file-size 2MB)
- Human-Artefact Hybridisation and the Digital
Persona (May)
- Have We Learnt To Love Big Brother? (April)
- Census 2006, on behalf of the Australian Privacy Foundation:
- Submission to the Senate Legal and
Constitutional Committee re its Inquiry into the Privacy Act 1988 (February)
- Submission
to the Victorian Privacy Commissioner, on behalf of the Australian Privacy
Foundation, re Privacy Impact Assessments (February)
- Submission
to the Federal Privacy Commissioner, on behalf of the Australian Privacy Foundation,
re Privacy Impact Assessments (February)
Go back to the 2004 entries
Other Areas - 2005
Go back to the 2004 entries
Created: 11 May 1997 -
Last Amended: 31 January 2009
by Roger Clarke
- Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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