The 'Whats New' page of this site indexes recent publications, classified
This document contains the archives for 2016, under the same headings:
Where appropriate, papers appear under two or more classifications.
Archives are available for 2015, 2014,
2013, 2012,
2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007,
2006, 2005, 2004,
2002, 2001, 2000,
1999, 1998, 1997,
1996 and 1995.
I also maintain an archive of my presentations since 1995.
Electronic Commerce - 2016
- Risks Inherent in The Digitalisation of the Individual: A Research Agenda (Prelim Draft, December)
- Business Models for Secure Service Offerings by ISPs (November)
- Big Data Prophylactics (November, Draft)
- Inadequacies in the UK's Data Science Ethical Framework (October, Draft, second author, with Charles Raab)
- Regulation of the Use of Big Data
Analytics by National Security and Law Enforcement Agencies (October, Submission to D2D CRC)
- Personal Data Markets: A Matter of Perspective (Revision, September)
- Regulatory Failures in the Security Space: Some
Current Cases (August, for NRCCL, Uni Oslo)
- Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into 'Data Availability and Use' (May)
- Quality Assurance for Security Applications of Big Data (March)
- Deconstructing Blockchain (March)
- Information Assurance and Security (March, for a second-year ANU
CompSci unit)
- Personal Data Markets: A Matter of Perspective (Draft, February)
- An Empirical Assessment of Researcher Perspectives (Draft,
January), and slide-set
Go back to the 2015 entries
Information Infrastructure - 2016
- Risks Inherent in The Digitalisation of the Individual: A Research Agenda (Prelim Draft, December)
- Business Models for Secure Service Offerings by ISPs (November)
- The Contested Semantics of 'Security', and the Current
Challenges of Big Data and IoT (October, for CyberCake, Uni of Masaryk, Brno)
- Regulatory Failures in the Security Space: Some Current Cases (August, for
NRCCL, Uni Oslo)
- Productisation of Secure eWorking Environments (August,Workshop
for IFIP Summer School)
- Network Infrastructure and Architecture (March, for a second-year
ANU CompSci unit)
- Safeguards against Unpleasant Cyberspace Behaviour: Targets not Victims, and
Self-Help before Criminalisation (Draft, February)
- Researcher Perspectives at the Bled eConference (Draft, January)
Go back to the 2015 entries
Identity - 2016
Go back to the 2015 entries
Data Surveillance and Information Privacy - 2016
- Risks Inherent in The Digitalisation of the Individual: A Research Agenda (Prelim Draft, December)
- Dataveillance Law: Modalities, Categories and Examples –
slides only (December, with Graham Greenleaf)
- Business Models for Secure Service Offerings by ISPs (November)
- Big Data Prophylactics (November, Review Version)
- Supplementary
Submission to Senate Committee re Census 2016 (October, for APF)
- The Shape of PETs 2.0 (October, for Computer
Science, Technische Universität Darmstadt)
- PETs 2.0 - Getting it Right the Second Time
Around (October, for Stiftung Datenschutz, Uni Leipzig)
- Inadequacies in the UK's Data Science Ethical Framework (October, Draft, second author, with Charles Raab)
- Regulation of the Use of Big Data Analytics by
National Security and Law Enforcement Agencies (October, Submission to D2D CRC)
- Researcher Perspective(s) and the Role of Perspective
in Privacy-Related Research (October, for Uni Leipzig)
- The Contested Semantics of 'Security', and the Current
Challenges of Big Data and IoT (October, for CyberCake, Uni of Masaryk, Brno)
- From Computing Technologies to Digital Spaces v.1 or
v.2 (Sketch, October)
- Personal Data Markets: A Matter of Perspective (Revision,
- Regulatory Failures in the Security Space: Some Current Cases (August, for NRCCL, Uni Oslo)
- The Contested Semantics of 'Security', and the Curious Case of PIAs applied to National Security Initiatives (August, for PRIO, Oslo)
- Productisation of Secure eWorking Environments (August, Workshop for IFIP Summer School)
- Big Data Prophylactics: How Negative Impacts Can, and Cannot, be Avoided (August, Keynote for IFIP Summer School)
- The Inadequacies of the UK Cabinet Office's Data Science Ethical Framework (July)
- Federal Election Challenge (June, for the APF)
- Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into 'Data Availability and Use' (May)
- Quality Assurance for Security Applications of Big Data (March)
- Census 2016 Information Sheet (March)
- Personal Data Markets: A Matter of Perspective (Draft, February)
Go back to the 2015 entries
Other Areas - 2016
Go back to the 2015 entries
Created: 11 May 1997 -
Last Amended: 31 December 2017
by Roger Clarke
- Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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