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Roger Clarke's Meta-Analysis Information


Roger Clarke

Version of 19 July 2000

© Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, 2000

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I sent a Request for Information to the ISWorldNet List on 14 July 2000. This document summarises the information provided by that community. It is part of a cumulative archive of research information solicited via ISWorld, maintained by Ron Weber.

I was actually seeking information in relation to the disciplined examination of published research, or systematic literature review; but I referred to it using the term 'meta-analysis'. The problem is that that term is already used for a specific statistical technique.

This document presents the information that I've accumulated from responses relating to the statistical technique called meta-analysis.

A separate document contains the information about the more general question of disciplined literature reviews.


By me:

A specific technique for combining statistical data from multiple sources.

From Amy B. Woszczynski:

My take on it is that meta-analysis looks at many studies that use many different methods to collect data, and then removes the measurement error to get a better idea of the true effect size. I believe a good rule of thumb is that to do a meta-analysis, you need to have AT LEAST 30 studies that have been completed on a particular topic. That's why there are so few MIS meta-analyses. We're new, so we don't have a lot of things that have been extensively studied.

However, meta-analyses may be particularly revealing in MIS studies, where self-reports are used extensively. Self-reports contain common method variance, and meta-analyses remove that method variance so that you have a better picture of what is going on.

From G Premkumar:

I have tried doing a meta-analysis in the area of IT adoption/diffusion using some of the procedures suggested by Glass and others. One of the biggest problems we found was that most studies in IS do not report the correlation matrix of the variables under study. Hence, it was impossible to carry out a rigorous statistical meta-analysis to make some generalizations. Another problem: the wide latitude that researchers allowed themselves in defining the variables and measuring them, making inter-study comparison difficult.


Recommended by Alan Dennis:

Hunter J.E., Schmidt F.L. & Jackson G.B. (1982) 'Meta-Analysis Cumulating Research Findings Across Studies' Sage, 1982

Hunter J.E. & Schmidt F.L. (1990) 'Methods of Meta-Analysis : Correcting Error and Bias in Research' Sage, 1990

I've also come across the following references:

Glass G.V., McGaw B. & Smith M.L. (1981) 'Meta-Analysis in Social Research' Sage, 1981

Lipsey M.W. & Wilson D. (2000) 'Practical Meta-Analysis', Sage, 2000

Rosenthal R. (1991) 'Meta-Analytic Procedures for Social Research', Sage, 1991

Wolf F.M. (1986) 'Meta-Analysis : Quantitative Methods for Research Synthesis Author', Sage, 1986


From me:

Alavi M. & Joachimsthaler E.A. (1992) 'Revisiting DSS Implementation Research: A Meta-Analysis of the Literature and Suggestions for Researchers'; MIS Quarterly 16(1); pp. 95-116, Abstract

Benbasat I. & Lim, L.H. (1993) 'The Effects of Group, Task, Context and Technology Variables on the Usefulness of Group Support Systems: A Meta-Analysis of Experimental Studies' Small Group Research (November 1993), pp. 430-462

Hwang M. (1996) "The Use of Meta-Analysis in MIS Research: Promises and Problems" The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, 27, 3 (Summer, 1996) 35-48

From Varun Grover:

A few good meta-analyses in the related discipline of "innovation" are:

Damanpour, F. (1991) 'Organizational Innovation: A Meta-Analysis of Effects of Determinants and Moderators', Academy of Management Journal, 34, 3 (1991), 555-590

Tornatzky, L.G., and Klein, K.J. (1982) 'Innovation Characteristics and Innovation Adoption Implementation: A Meta-analysis of findings', IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, February (1982), 28-45

From Alan Dennis:

Stevens, John M. , Cahill, Anthony G. and LaPlante, Josephine (1991) 'The Utilization of Information Systems Technology in State Financial Management: An Empirical Assessment' JMIS 8, 1 (Summer 1991) 107-128

From Traci A. Carte

Lewis, M. W. & A. J. Grimes (1999) 'Metatriangulation: Building Theory From Multiple Paradigms' Academy of Management Review, 24, 4 (October 1999), 672-690

From Suzanne Weisband:

Richman, W., Kiesler, S., Weisband, S., & Drasgow, F. (1999) 'A meta-analytic study of social desirability distortion in computer-administered questionnaires, traditional questionnaires, and interviews' Journal of Applied Psychology, 84(5), 754-775

From Michael Lane:

Larsson, R. (1993) 'Case survey methodology: quantitative analysis of patterns across case studies' Academy of Management Journal, 36, 6 (1993) 1515-1547

From Krish Muralidhar:

Montazemi A.R. (1991) Comments on: 'A Meta-Analysis of the Relative Effects of Tabular and Graphic Display Formats on Decision-Making Performance' Human Performance, 4(2), 147-153

Montazemi A.R. & Wang S. (1989) 'The Effects of Modesl of Information Presentation on Decision Making' Journal of Management Information Systems, 5, 101-126

Schaubroeck J. & Muralidhar K. (1992) 'Does Display Format Really Affect Decision Quality?' Human Performance, 5(3), 245-248

Schaubroeck J. & Muralidhar K. (1991) 'A Meta-Analysis of the Relative Effects of Tabular and Graphic Display Formats on Decision-Making Performance' Human Performance, 4(2), 127-145

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The content and infrastructure for these community service pages are provided by Roger Clarke through his consultancy company, Xamax.

From the site's beginnings in August 1994 until February 2009, the infrastructure was provided by the Australian National University. During that time, the site accumulated close to 30 million hits. It passed 65 million in early 2021.

Sponsored by the Gallery, Bunhybee Grasslands, the extended Clarke Family, Knights of the Spatchcock and their drummer
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Created: 14 July 2000 - Last Amended: 19 July 2000 by Roger Clarke - Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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