BHS Shield (Image Missing!)

About The Teachers of 1966

BHS'66'ers enjoyed a phenomenally good collection of teachers. The town and district were regarded as a nice place to live, and many senior teachers had passed up opportunities for promotion in order to stay there. But rather than vegetating, they committed to their adopted town, and put a great deal of effort into their teaching. Many also contributed enormously to the rich set of extra-curricular activities that was available to every student who put the effort in.

We were the beneficiaries. The mere list below is a pretty meagre 'thank you!'.

The photos are from Ian Dorricott's films, taken in 1966. In the last one-to-two decades, it's become mainstream to 'do a video', and now we even expect it to be 'born digital'. But 1966 was four decades ago. Very advanced for your time, Ian, especially the art-effects! (And note that Ian's set a challenge for people, down at the bottom of the page).

Underlining below the name means that we're in contact with them. Red means that they're coming to the 21 October 2006 event.

Senior Staff

Principal - A.H. JONES, Kenmore in Brisbane (Photo)

Deputy Principal - R.W. PITT (Ron), BHS's longest-serving Deputy Head (Photo in 1966, and another Photo, published in the Bundy News-Wail on his retirement in 1985)

Senior Mistress - (Miss) E.M. STEWART (Betty), passed on c. 2000

All BHS Teachers, 1966

The teachers at BHS that year are listed in the Ad Astra, and are also listed in the Speech Night Program; and here's the group photo in the Ad Astra.

Year 12 Teachers, 1966


English - W.M. MILLAR (Bill, Bexy), passed on (in the 1980s?)

Maths I and II - G.E. MELLEFONT (George, Mell), passed on (in the 1990s?) (Photo)

Physics - R.P. SKYRING (Roy) (Photo, Photo Photo), retired in 1980, passed on in 2003. Originally a an instrument fitter in the RAAF (thanks Ross), Roy built various things such as telescopes. He left a collection of large-scale model trains, now at the Ipswich Workshops Rail Museum, and of clocks, now at Pine Rivers Heritage Museum, Old Petrie Town, Dayboro Rd, Kurwongbah, via Petrie (North Brisbane). Here are reports of March 2007 and April 2007, courtesy Roy's widow Olive Newport, son Geoff (same year as the rest of us, at Central), via Ken Piaggio

Chemistry - R.W. PITT (Ron), originally from Bundy and retired there, passed on (in the 1990s)

German - C. BOREHAM (Col), subsequently a librarian at Parliament House, retired to be a bushwalker (Pearce ACT)

French - J.L. SHEPHERD (Jeff) (Aspley Brisbane Qld)


English - J.L. SHEPHERD (Jeff) (Aspley Brisbane Qld)

Maths I and II - W. F. NOBLE (Doc, or Bill) (Bundaberg Qld)

Economics - Ken GILBERT (Web-Page incl. Photo) (Brisbane Qld)

Economics - Alan PHILP (m. Colleen?)

Geography - I. G. McLEAN

History - (Miss) E.M. STEWART (Betty), passed on c. 2000


English - J.L. SHEPHERD (Jeff) (Aspley Brisbane)

Chemistry - L.G. KELLY (Lance) (Photo)

Zoology - Arthur ROWE - also a sprinter?

Physiology - M.I. HENRY (Margaret) (Redcliffe Qld)

Art - P.K. HART (Peter)

Home Ec. / Management

Other Teachers of the Cohort 1962-66

Ngaire AMOS ('narie' - who married before we were old enough to offer her options)

A.C. DIXON (Archie, Dynamite - Grade 8)

A.J. FEATONBY (Alan, Physics)

Chris HOEPPER (Chemistry)

Chuck McKINLEY (Canadian - English, Judo, genuinely loon-ey)

Sheila MILES, m. PEACHEY (Commercial), at the 40th Reunion, d. April 2007 (Brisbane Qld)

Graham POTTER (English)

Monte RACKEMANN (d. Jan 2007)

Reg ROWE (English, m. to Dorothy) (Bundaberg Qld)

Dorothy ROWE (Chemistry, m. to Reg) (Bundaberg Qld)

W.R. RUSSELL (Commercial) (Bundaberg Qld)

Les SHEPPARD (Shep, Big Shep - Cadets) (Bundaberg Qld), on film at the reunion (Photo)


Created: 13 February 2006 - Last Amended: 5 February 2009 by Roger Clarke - Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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