Roger Clarke's Web Pages

Period covered by these statistics: 7 days (14 Nov 1999 - 20 Nov 1999)

Total number of requests:           22,931
Number of unique requests:          487
Number of Mb sent:                  332.66
Number of bytes sent:               348,818,425
Number of unique hosts:             3,397
Average number of requests/day:     3,276
Average number of requests/hour:    136.49
Average number of requests/minute:  2.27

Changes since last summary period:
In total requests to this server:        -12%
In total bytes sent by this server:      -16%
In number of hosts accessing the server:  -7%

Hosts accessing this server, ordered by number of accesses:

Top Ten Hosts:

Host Accessing the Server             : accesses : bytes transferred 
---------------------------------------------------------------------                     :    1,025 :        25,765,049                       :      431 :        10,707,848                       :      218 :         3,774,655                        :      175 :         4,273,371
www                                   :      140 :         1,990,772                   :      114 :         2,851,703                 :      102 :         2,410,265                 :       97 :         1,764,147                         :       93 :         2,321,463                   :       92 :         1,296,156

List of hosts accessing the server (more than 10 times).

Hosts accessing this server, by domain:

[Accesses by Location Graphic]

Domain                            : Number of Accesses : Percentage of total.
Unresolved                        :             5,481  :  23.9
US Commercial                     :             5,322  :  23.2
Network                           :             2,728  :  11.9
Australia                         :             2,315  :  10.1
US Educational                    :             1,618  :   7.1
All Others                        :             5,442  :  23.7

Note: Unresolved means IP numbers which do not resolve to hostnames.

List of all domains accessing the server.

Number of Accesses Per Day during this period:

14 Nov:  2529
15 Nov:  2870
16 Nov:  3741
17 Nov:  3829
18 Nov:  3759
19 Nov:  3733
20 Nov:  2470

Average Number of Accesses Per Hour of the Day:

[Average hourly accesses graphic]

Peak hour: Nov 18 1pm- 2pm: 319

[Text version]

Frequency of Items Requested:

Top Ten Items Accessed:                             : #accesses
/people/Roger.Clarke/EC/                                     :             696
/people/Roger.Clarke/EC/index.html                           :             496
/people/Roger.Clarke/EC/ECDefns.html                         :             406
/people/Roger.Clarke/                                        :             351
/people/Roger.Clarke/II/Cookies.html                         :             296
/people/Roger.Clarke/DV/                                     :             237
/people/Roger.Clarke/ISWCountry/                             :             165
/people/Roger.Clarke/WM/                                     :             162
/people/Roger.Clarke/EC/Bled93.html                          :             154
/people/Roger.Clarke/DV/Intro.html                           :             145

All items accessed more than 10 times.

These statistics produced by pwebstats.