Supra-Organisational Research Programme

© Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd,  1988-1995
Photo of Roger Clarke

(in chronological order, updated to mid-1994)
Clarke R.A. (1988a)
'Judicial Understanding of Information Technology: The Case of the Wombat ROMs' Comp. J. 31,1 (February 1988)
Scanned version (6MB!) here
Clarke R.A. (1988b)
'Legal Aspects of Knowledge-Based Technology' J. of Info. Technology 3,1 (March 1988)
Clarke R.A. (1988c)
'Information Technology and Dataveillance' Commun. ACM 31,5 (May 1988)
Re-published in Dunlop C. & Kling R. (Eds.) 'Controversies in Computing' Academic Press, 1991
Walters M. (1989)
'EFTPOS - National Asset or White Elephant? The Development, Current State and Future Direction of Australia's National EFTPOS System' in Clarke R.A. & Cameron J. (Eds.) 'Managing the Organisational Impact of Information Technology' Elsevier / North Holland, 1990
Clarke R.A. (1989a)
'Privacy Regulation of Consumer Credit Reporting' Professional Computing (June 1989)
Clarke R.A. (1989b)
'Property Rights in Knowledge-Based Products and Applications' Expert Systems 6,3 (August 1989)
Translated into Japanese and re-published in Nikkei AI (Winter 1990)
Clarke R.A. (1989c)
'Who is Liable for Software Error? The Applicability of Australia's Proposed New Product Liability Law to Computer Software' Comp. & Security Law Reporter 5,1 (May/June 1989)
Clarke R.A. & Walters M. (1989)
'Consumer EFTS in Australia: An Introduction' Comp. & Security Law Reporter 5,4 (November/December 1989)
Clarke R.A. (1989d)
'Open Applications Architecture: Basis for Application Software Management' J. Elec. & Electronics Eng. Austral. 9,4 (December 1989)
Clarke R.A. (1989e)
'Human Identification in Records Systems' Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University, August 1989
Clarke R.A. (1989f)
Policy Papers for the Australian Computer Society on the Enhanced Tax File Number Scheme; Information Privacy Implications of Information Technology; and a National Information Policy
Clarke R.A. (1989g)
Papers for the Commonwealth Privacy Commissioner on Data Matching; and on Transborder Data Flows
Clarke R.A. (1990a)
'Consumer EFTS in Australia: Security Issues' Comp. & Security Law Reporter 5,5 (January/February 1990)
Clarke R.A. (1990b)
'Consumer EFTS in Australia: Dispute Resolution Mechanisms' Comp. & Security Law Reporter 5,6 (March/April 1990)
Clarke R.A. (1990c)
'Social Implications of IT - The Professional's Role' Austral. Comp. J. 22,2 (May 1990)
Clarke R.A. & Greenleaf G. (1990)
'Consumer EFTS in Australia: Privacy Considerations' Comp. & Security Law Reporter 6,1 (May/June 1990)
Swatman P.M.C. & Clarke R.A. (1990)
'EDI's Organisational, Sectoral and International Implications' in Berleur J. & Sizer R. (Eds.) 'Information Technology Assessment', Elsevier / North-Holland, 1991
Clarke R.A., Pedler M., Swatman P.M.C. & Campbell P.C. (1990)
'Commonwealth Government Practices and Intentions Relating to EFTS, EFT/POS and EDI: Survey Report' 100pp., Department of Commerce, Australian National University September 1990
Clarke R.A., Griçar J., de Luca P., Imai T. & McCubbrey D. (1990)
'rip - stanje v svetu' ('EDI - An International Perspective', in Slovenian) Organizacija in kadri (Mgt & Human Resources) 7,8 (November 1990)
Clarke R.A. & Tyree A. (Eds.) (1990)
Special Issue on Intellectual Property in Information Technology Artefacts Austral. Comp. J., 22,4 (November 1990)
Clarke R.A. (1990d)
'Open Applications Architecture: A User-Oriented Approach to Standardisation of the Application Platform' Comp. Standards & Interfaces (December 1990)
Clarke R.A. & Cameron J. (Eds.) (1990)
'Managing the Organisational Impact of Information Technology' Elsevier / North Holland, 1990
Clarke R.A. & Colvin P. (1991)
'EDI & Commonwealth Purchasing' Consulting Report for the Department of Administrative Services, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd (May 1991), 70 pp.
Clarke R.A. (1991a)
'Towards a Framework for the Study of EDI's Impact on Industry Sectors' Proc. 4th Int'l Conf. EDI, Bled, Yugoslavia (June 1991)
Clarke R.A. (1991b)
'A Contingency Approach to the Software Generations' Database (Summer 1991)
Clarke R.A., Griçar J., de Luca P., Imai T., McCubbrey D. & Swatman P.M.C.(1991)
'The International Significance of Electronic Data Interchange' in Palvia S. Palvia P. & Zigli R.M. (Eds.) 'Global Issues in Information Technology' Ideas Press, 1991
Ryan J. (1991)
'Electronic Lodgement System' Proc. Conf. SOST'91, Adelaide, October 1991. Republished in Clarke R.A. & Cameron J. (Eds.) 'Managing Information Technology's Organisational Impact, II' Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1992
Walters M. (1991)
'An Argument for 'Smart' Financial Transaction Cards in the Australian Payments System' in Clarke R. & Cameron J. (Eds.) 'Managing the Organisational Impact of Information Technology II', Elsevier / North Holland, 1992
Clarke R.A. (1991c)
'The Tax File Number Scheme: A Case Study of Political Assurances and Function Creep' Policy 7,4 (Summer 1991)
Gagg J. (1991)
'A Historical Perspective on Information Technology Policy in Australia' Research Paper, Dept of Economic History, A.N.U., December 1991
Clarke R.A. (1992a)
'The Resistible Rise of the Australian National Personal Data System' Software L. J. 5,1 (January 1992)
Clarke R.A. (1992b)
'Case Study Cardomat/Migros: An Open EFT/POS System' Austral. Comp. J. 24,1 (February 1992)
Clarke R.A. & Cameron J. (Eds.) (1992)
'Managing Information Technology's Organisational Impact II' Elsevier / North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1992
Clarke R.A. (1992c)
'EDI und die öffentliche Verwaltung' ('EDI and government administration', in German) Verwaltung/Organisation/Personal, Baden-Baden (March/April, 1992)
Clarke R.A., Campbell P.C. & Maguire D. (1992)
'Survey of Purchasing-Related EDI in Government' Research Report for the Information Exchange Steering Committee, Depts. of Finance and Administrative Services, Canberra (May 1992)
Clarke R.A. (1992d)
'A Contingency Model of EDI's Impact on Industry Sectors' J. Strat. Inf. Sys. 1,3 (June 1992)
Clarke R.A., Wrigley C., Neo B.S. & Wagenaar R. (1992)
'EDI in International Trade and Logistics' Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University, August 1992
Neo B.S. & Clarke R.A. (1992)
'Case Study Report: On-Line Trading at the Singapore Hog Auction Market (HAM)' Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University, August 1992
Clarke R.A. (1992e)
'Computer Matching in Government: A Normative Regulatory Framework' (110 pp.) Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University (August 1992)
Clarke R.A. (1992f)
'Extra-Organisational Systems: A Challenge to the Software Engineering Paradigm' Proc. IFIP World Congress, Madrid, Sep 1992
Clarke R.A. (1992g)
'Strategic Information Systems: Retrospect and Prospect', Proc. Int'l Conf. Inf. Sys. and Organisations, Bled, Slovenia (September 1992)
Clarke R.A. (1992h)
'Data Interchange and International Competitiveness' Business Council of Australia Bulletin (September 1992)
Clarke R.A. (1992i)
'LEAN Times Ahead?' Policy 8,2 (Winter 1992)
Clarke R.A. & Hudson P. (1992)
'Corporate EDI Gateways: Their Rationale, Functions and Architecture' Proc. 5th Int'l Conf. EDI, Bled, Slovenia (September 1992)
Clarke R.A., Campbell P.C. & Telfer S. (1992)
'Commonwealth Government Practices and Intentions Relating to EDI, 1991: Survey Report' 140pp., Department of Commerce, Australian National University, October 1992
Clarke R.A. (1992j)
'Balancing Benefits Against Risks in the Health Communications Network' Seminar of the Australian Medical Informatics Association, Perth, 24 October 1992
Clarke R.A. & Steffl H.-J. (EdS.) (1992)
'Grundlagen und Spezifika der österreichischen Situation am Sektor EDI' (General and Specific Matters Regarding EDI in Austria, in German) Austriapro, Vienna (November 1992)
Clarke R.A. (1992k)
'Keeping Confidential Information on a Database with Multiple Points of Access: Technological and Organisational Measures' Seminar on Unauthorised Release of Government Information, N.S.W. Independent Commission Against Corruption, Sydney, 12 October 1992 Republished as 'Privacy Needs More Than Good Intentions' in Prof'l Comp. (November 1992)
Goleby M. (1992)
'Case Study of the Australian Customs' Services EXIT Scheme' Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University, Nov. 1992
Teitler U. (1992a)
'EDI Data Communications Explained: A Business Person's Guide to Technical Jargon' Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University, November 1992
Teitler U. (1992b)
'Financial Institution Gateway / Government Direct Entry Services' Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University, Nov 1992
Clarke R.A. (1993a)
'Why The Public Is Afraid of the Public Sector' Proc. Conf. Protecting Information Privacy in the Public Sector, IIR, Sydney, 24-25 February 1993
Clarke R.A. (1993b)
'Computer Matching and Digital Identity' Proc. Conf. Computers, Freedom & Privacy, Ass. for Comp. Machinery, San Francisco, 9-12 March 1993
Clarke R.A. (1993c)
'Research Report: Transport Data Network International (TDNI)' Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University Mar 1993
Clarke R.A. & Jenkins M. (1993)
'The Strategic Intent of On-Line Trading Systems: A Case Study in National Livestock Marketing' J. Strategic Inf. Sys. 2,1 (March 1993)
Clarke R.A. (1993d)
'Balancing Snoopers and Privacy' ComputerWorld Australia, 9 April 1993
Clarke R.A. (1993e)
'EDI Growth Patterns in Commonwealth Government Agencies' Proc. Int'l EDI Congress, EDI Council of Australia, Gold Coast, 24-26 March 1993
Clarke R.A. (1993f)
'Collaborative Use of Information Technology' Address to the 'IT in Government' Seminar, Information Exchange Steering Committee, Clth Dept of Finance, Canberra, 29 March 1993
Clarke R.A. (1993g)
'Progress Report on the Multi-Function Chip-Card Pilot of the Swiss PTT' Proc. Conf. Plastic Cards in the Retail Sector, IIR, Sydney, 29-30 March 1993
Clarke R.A. (1993h)
'Electronic Support for Research Practice: The Inadequacy of Economic Analysis in a Time of Revolutionary Change' Proc. Conf. 'Changes in Scholarly Communication Patterns: Australia and the Electronic Library', Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, 14-16 April 1993
Clarke R.A. (1993i)
'EDI Is But One Element of Electronic Commerce' Proc. 6th Int'l EDI Conf., Bled Slovenia, 7-9 June 1993
Cameron J. (1993)
'EDI & the Air Cargo Industry' Working Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University (July 1993)
Braunschmid J. (1993)
'EDI im österreichischen Bankwesen' Diplomarbeit der Johannes-Kepler-Universität Linz (September 1993)
Clarke R.A. (1993j)
'Collaborative Use of Information Technology' Addresses to the 'IT in Government' Seminar, Information Exchange Steering Committee, Clth Dept of Finance, Canberra, 29 March 1993 and the 'IT in Government' Seminar, ACS/AIIA, Adelaide, 18 November 1993
Castleman M. (1993)
'Data Flows in Freight Forwarding Enterprises' Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University (Nov 1993)
Lowry R. (1993)
'Sea Cargo Automation' Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University (Nov 1993)
McMahon J. (1993)
'International Trade EDI Simulator' Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University (Nov 1993)
Purcell C. (1993)
'Impact of IT on Surface Freight Industry' Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University (Nov 1993)
Pelley R.J. (1993)
'EDI in Trans-Tasman Trade' Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University (Dec 1993)
Clarke R.A. (1993k)
'AARNet Economics: How to Avoid Cooking the Golden Goose' Proc. Conf. Networking'93, AARNet, Melbourne, 30 Nov - 3 Dec 1993
Clarke R.A. (1993l)
'Profiling: A Hidden Challenge to the Regulation of Dataveillance' Int'l J. L. & Inf. Sc. 4,2 (December 1993)
Clarke R.A. & Jeffery K. (1993a)
'EDI: The Practices and Intentions of Agencies of the Commonwealth Government - 2rd Survey Report 1993/94' (82 pp.) Department of Commerce, Australian National University, December 1993
Clarke R.A. & Jeffery K. (1993b)
'SECSAGA: Survey of the EDI Capability of Suppliers to Australian Government Agencies' (68 pp.) Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University, December 1993, revised May 1994
Jeffery K. (1993b)
'SISGA: Structured Interviews with Suppliers to Government Agencies' (27 pp.) Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University, December 1993
Jeffery K. (1994a)
'The Sea Cargo Automation Pilot Project' Research Report, Department of Commerce, Australian National University, January 1994
Clarke R.A. (1994a)
'The Parallel Data Matching Program' Australasian Privacy Law and Policy Reporter 1,1 (February 1994)
Clarke R.A. (1994b)
'Electronic Support for Research Practice' The Information Society 10,1 (March 1994)
Clarke R.A. (1994c)
'Lessons from the the Swiss PTT's Multi-Function Chip-Card project, 1985-94' Presentation to the Plastic Cards Conference, IIR, Sydney, March 1994
Jeffery K. & Clarke R.A. (1994a)
'GPIE III: Structured Interviews with Government Agencies: Survey Report, February-March 1994' 90pp., Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University, March 1994
NCG (1994)
'EDI Implementation in the Transport Sector: An Assessment / Stocktake: Preliminary Report for Review' National Consultative Group in Transport EDI, Department of Transport, Canberra, March 1994
Clarke R.A. (1994d)
'Matches Played Under Rafferty's Rules: The Parallel Data Matching Program Is Not Only Privacy-Invasive But Economically Unjustifiable As Well' Policy 10,1 (Autumn 1994)
Clarke R.A. (1994e)
'Progress in the Use of EDI in the Australian Federal Government, As Revealed by Longitudinal Research' EDI Window 2 (April 1994)
ANAO (1994)
'Best Practice Guidelines for the Protection of the Security of Personal Data' Australian National Audit Office, Discussion Paper, May 1994
Jeffery K. & Clarke R.A. (1994b)
'Case Study: Electronic Purchasing by Units' Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University Forthcoming, June 1994
Clarke R.A. (1994f)
'EDI in Australian International Trade and Transportation' Proc. 7th EDI-IOS Conf., Bled, Slovenia, June 1994
Clarke R.A. (1994g)
'GPIE: A 6-Year Longitudinal Research Project into Government Practices and Intentions Relating To Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)' Proc. EDI Research & Teaching Symposium, Bled, Slovenia, June 1994
Clarke R.A. (1994h)
'The Path of EDI Application in Australian Government Agencies: 1989-94' Proc. 5th World Congress of EDI Users, Brighton, UK. Forthcoming, June 1994
Jeffery K. (1994b)
'Report on Survey of Current EDI Projects in Australian Government Agencies' Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University, June 1994
Clarke R.A. (1994i)
'The Digital Persona and Its Application to Data Surveillance' The Information Society 10,2 (June 1994)
Wrigley C., Wagenaar R. & Clarke R.A. (1994)
'Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in International Trade: Frameworks for the Strategic Analysis of Ocean Port Communities' J. Strat. Inf. Sys. 4,2 (June 1994)
Clarke R.A. & Jeffery K. (1994a)
'EDI in Australia - 1993/94' c. 100pp., Department of Commerce, Australian National University Forthcoming, July 1994
Clarke R.A. & Jeffery K. (1994b)
'International Trade EDI in Australia' c. 100pp., Department of Commerce, Australian National University Forthcoming, July 1994
Clarke R.A. & Worthington T. (1994)
'Vision for a Networked Nation: The Public Interest in Network Services' Proc. Conf. Int'l Telecommunications Soc., Sydney, July 1994
Clarke R.A. (1994j)
'Information Technology: Weapon of Authoritarianism or Tool of Democracy?' Proc. World Congress, Int'l Fed. of Info. Processing, Hamburg, September 1994
Clarke R.A. (1994k)
'Dataveillance: Delivering 1984' Invited Chapter in Green L. & Guinery R. (Eds.) 'Framing Technology: Society, Choice and Change' Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1994
Clarke R.A. (1994l)
'Dataveillance by Governments: The Technique of Computer Matching' Information Technology & People 7,2 (July 1994)
Clarke R.A. and Neo B.S. (1994)/dt>
'Case Study Report: On-Line Trading at the Singapore Hog Auction Market (HAM)'Working Paper (November 1993)
Clarke R.A. (1994m)
'The Effectiveness of Cost/Benefit Analysis as a Control Over Data Surveillance Practices' Informatization and the Public Sector (January 1995)
Clarke R.A., Wrigley C., Wagenaar R. (1994)
'Diversity in the Application of EDI to International Trade: A Program of International Comparative Research' Working Paper (January 1994)
Clarke R.A. (1994n)
'A Normative Regulatory Framework for Computer Matching' J. of Computer & Inf. Law XIII, 2 (February 1995)
Clarke R.A. (1994o)
'FAST: Food for Thought - A Case Study of the FAST Electronic Broker at the University of Southern California's Information Sciences Institute' Research Paper, Department of Commerce, Australian National University (December 1993)

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The content and infrastructure for these community service pages are provided by Roger Clarke through his consultancy company, Xamax.

From the site's beginnings in August 1994 until February 2009, the infrastructure was provided by the Australian National University. During that time, the site accumulated close to 30 million hits. It passed 75 million in late 2024.

Sponsored by the Gallery, Bunhybee Grasslands, the extended Clarke Family, Knights of the Spatchcock and their drummer
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Created: 15 February 1995 - Last Amended: 17 January 2014 by Roger Clarke - Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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