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Principal, Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, Canberra
Visiting Fellow, Department of Computer Science, Australian National University
Version of 1 January 1999, with minor revisions of 9 September 1999, 7 December 1999, 6 October 2000, 20 September 2001
© Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
This document was prepared for ISWorld, based primarily on responses to a request to the ISWorld E-List
This document is at
On 25 November 1998, I wrote to ISWorld asking for URLs and/or citations for valuable works on the topic of Innovation Diffusion, especially annotated literature reviews.
There were about a dozen responses, and the correspondents are listed at the end. This document interleaves the respondents' contributions with some other web-search results.
The foundation work in the area is Rogers, E. 'Diffusion of Innovations' 3rd Ed., The Free Press, 1983.
For a quick introduction, see InnDiff.html.
There is a specialist Working Group on the Diffusion, Adoption and Implementation of Information Technology, which has been operational since 1993-94. It lives at
It runs a closed e-list, for members of WG8.6, IFIP86@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU. Joining instructions for this e-list are at
L. Levine (ed), Diffusion (1994) 'Transfer and Implementation of Information Technology' IFIP North-Holland, 1994. ISBN 0-444-81856-1
K. Kautz & J. Pries-Heje (eds) (1996) 'Diffusion and Adoption of Information Technology' Chapman & Hall, 1996. ISBN 0-412-75600-5
T McMaster, E. Mumford, E. Burton Swanson, B. Warboys & D. Wastell (eds) (1997) 'Facilitating Technology Transfer through Partnership: Learning from Practice and Research' Chapman & Hall, 1997. ISBN 0-412-79980-4
Larsen, Tor J., Levine, Linda, and DeGross, Janice I.(Eds.) 'Information Systems; Current Issues & Future Changes', Forthcoming Proceeedings of the Conference in Helsinki 10-13 December 1998, at
The Software Engineering Institute, as part of the Accelerating Software Technology Adoption (ASTA) programme, at
Roger J. Calantone and C. Anthony di Benedetto (Eds.) (1990) 'Successful Industrial Product Innovation: An Integrative Literature Review' Economics and Economic History, Bibliographies and Indexes in, No. 11 (ISSN: 0749-1786) Greenwood Press. Westport, Conn. 1990. 184 pages, LC 90-41840. ISBN 0-313-27571-8. CIK/ $59.95 (Special Reference Book). Available (Status Information Updated 11/19/1998), via
Alance, S., Jacobsson, S., Jarnehammar, A. (1998) 'Some aspects of an analytical framework for studying the diffusion of organisational innovations' Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol 10, No1, 1998.
Buzzacchi, L., Colombo, M., Mariotti, S. (1995) 'Technological regimes and innovation in services: the case of the Italian banking industry' Research Policy, Vol 24, 1995
Chandler, A.D., Hagstrom, P., Solvell, O. (1998) 'The Dynamic Firm: The role of technology, strategy organisation, and regions', Oxford University Press, 1998
Dodgson, M and Rotwell, R. (1994) 'The Handbook of Industrial Innovation', Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 1994
Gatignon H. and T. Robertson (1985) 'A Propositional Inventory for New Diffusion Research' Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 849-67
Downs G. W. and L. B. Mohr (1976) 'Conceptual Issues in the Study of Innovation' Administrative Science Quarterly, vol. 21, December, pp. 700-714
Eveland J. D. and L. G. Tornatzky (1990) 'The Deployment of Technology: The Processes of Technological Innovation' in L. G. Tornatzky and M. Fleischer. Lexington, Massachusetts, Lexington Books: pp.117-148
Hanna, N., Boyson, S., Gunaratne, S. (1996) 'The East Asian Miracle and Information Technology: Strategic Management of Technological Learning', World Bank Discussion Papers, The World Bank, Washington, D.C., 1996
Hislop, D., Newell, S., Scarbrough, H., Swan, J. (1997) 'Innovation and networks: Linking diffusion and implementation' International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol 1, No 4, September 1997
Hobday, M. (1995) 'Innovation in East Asia: The Challenge to Japan', Edward Elgar, Hants, U.K, 1995
Julien, PA and Raymond, L. (1994) 'Factors of new technology adoption in the retail sector' Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Summer 1994
Kodama, F. (1995) 'Emerging Patterns of Innovation: Sources of Japan's Technological Edge', Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 1995
Lai, V.S. and Guynes, J.L. (1997) 'An assessment of the influence of organisational characteristics on information technology adoption decision: A discriminative approach' IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol 44. No. 2., May 1997
Loch C. & Huberman B. A. (1999) 'A Punctuated Equilibrium Model of Technology Diffusion', Management Science, 45, 160-177 (1999).
Leonard-Barton D. (1988) 'Implementation Characteristics of Organizational Innovations: Limitations and Opportunities for Management Strategies' Communication Research 15, 5 (October 1988)
Leonard-Barton D. (1988) 'Implementation as Mutual Adaptation of Technology and Organization' Research Policy 17 (1998)
Mahajan V., E. Muller, et al. (1990) 'New Product Diffusion Models in Marketing: A Review and Directions for Research' Journal of Marketing 54, January 1990, pp. 1-26
Mahajan V. and R. Peterson (1985) 'Models for Innovation Diffusion' Beverly Hills, CA, Sage Publications
Mansell, R and When, U. (1998) 'Knowledge Societies', United Nations Commision on Science and technology for Development and Oxford University Press, 1998
Rogers E. (1986) 'Communication Technology: The New Media in Society', The Free Press, 1986
Rogers E. And E. Shoemaker (1971) 'Communication of Innovations, A cross-cultural approach', 2nd edition, The Free Press, New York. 1971
Tornatzky, L. G. and M. Fleischer, Eds. (1990) 'The Processes of Technological Innovation' Lexington, Lexington Books
Tornatzky, L. G. and K. Klein, J. (1982). "Innovation Characteristics and Innovation Adoption-Implementation: A Meta-Analysis of Findings." IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management vol EM-29, no. 1, pp. 28-45
Williams F. & Gibson D. (1990) 'Technology Transfer: A Communication Perspective' Sage, 1990
Wolfe R.A. (1994) 'Organizational Innovation: Review, Critique and Suggested Research Directions' Journal of Management Studies 3, May 1994
Zmud R. & Apple E. (1992) 'Measuring Technology Incorporation/Infusion' J. of Product Innovation 9 (1992)
Attewell P. (1992) 'Technology Diffusion and Organizational Learning: The Case of Business Computing' Organization Science, Vol 3 No 1 (February 1992)
Bayer, J. & Melone, N. (1989) 'Adoption of Software Engineering Innovations in Organizations', Technical Report, Software Engineering Institute, at
Bazar, B. and Boalch, G. (1997) 'A preliminary model of Internet diffusion within developing countries' Proceeding of the AUSWEB97 Conference, Gold Coast, 1997
Carlson M. & Smith G. (1990) 'Understanding the Adoption of Ada: Results of an Industry Survey', Technical Report, Software Engineering Institute, at
Chin W.W. & Gopal A. (1995) 'Adoption Intention in GSS: Relative Importance of Beliefs', Database Volume 26, Numbers 2 & 3, 1995, Special Issue of Technological Diffusion of Innovations, Abstract at
Damsgaard, J. (1996) 'The Diffusion of Electronic Data Interchange: An Institutional and Organizational Analysis of Alternative Diffusion Patterns' Aalborg: Ph.D. Thesis, R-96-2041, Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, from
Damsgaard J. and Lyytinen K. (1999) 'The role of intermediating institutions in diffusion of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): How Industry associations in the grocery sector intervened in Hong Kong, Finland, and Denmark' Forthcoming in The Information Society
Damsgaard J. and Lyytinen K. (1996) 'Government Strategies to Promote the diffusion of Electronic Data Interchange: What we know and what we don't know' Information Infrastructure and Policy 5(3):169-190
Database Volume 26, Numbers 2 & 3, 1995, Special Issue of Technological Diffusion of Innovations, Abstracts at
Fichman, R. G. (1992) 'Information Technology Diffusion: A Review of Empirical Research' Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Information Systems, Dallas
Fichman, R. G. (2000) 'The Diffusion and Assimilation of Information Technology Innovations', in Zmud R. (Ed.) 'Framing the Domains of IT Management Research: Glimpsing the Future through the Past', Pinnaflex Educational Resources, Inc., 2000
Fichman R. G. and Kemerer C. F. (1993) 'Adoption of Software Engineering Process Innovations: The Case of Object Orientation' Sloan Management Review vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 7-22
Fichman, R. G. and Kemerer C. F. (1993) 'Toward a Theory of the Adoption and Diffusion of Software Process Innovations', IFIP TC8 Working Group Conference Proceedings, Champion, PA. L. Levine. New York, Elsevier Science Publications, 23-31
Fichman, R. G. and Kemerer C. F. (1997) 'The Assimilation of Software Process Innovations: An Organizational Learning Perspective' Management Science, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 1345-1363
Fichman, R. G. and Kemerer C. F. (1997) 'Object Technology and Reuse: Lessons From Early Adopters' IEEE Computer, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 47-59
Galliers R & Swan J. (1999) Chapter in Currie W. & Galliers R.'s forthcoming 'Rethinking MIS', Oxford U.P., 1999
Gregor S. & Jones K. (1997) 'Enabling Electronic Commerce In Agribusiness: The Initial Stages Of A Diffusion Process' Proc. CollECTeR'97, 1st Annual CollECTeR Workshop on Electronic Commerce, Adelaide, South Australia, October 3rd 1997, at
Grover, V., Teng, J., Segars, A., Fiedler, K. (1998) 'The influence of information technology diffusion and business process change on perceived productivity: The IS executive's perspective' Information & Management, Vol 34, 1998
Harrison, D.A., Mykytyn, P.P., Riemenschneider, C.K. (1997) 'Executive decision about adoption of information technology in small business: Theory and empirical tests' Information Systems Research, Vol.8, No.2, June 1997
Hart, P. and Saunders, C. (1997) 'Power and Trust: Critical factors in the adoption and use of Electronic Data Interchange' Organization Science, Vol.8, No. 1, January-February 1997, pp. 23-42
Henderson, J.C. and Lentz, C.M.A. (1996) 'Learning, working, and innovation: A case study in the insurance industry' Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol 12. No. 3., 1996
Kaplan B., Nissen H., Klein H. and Hirscheim R. (1991) 'Models of Change and Information Systems Research: Information Systems Research, Contemporary Approaches and emergent Traditions' Elsevier Science, IFIP, 1991
Kappelman L.A. (1995) 'Measuring User Involvement: A Diffusion of Innovation Perspective', Database Volume 26, Numbers 2 & 3, 1995, Special Issue of Technological Diffusion of Innovations, Abstract at
Kautz, K. and Pries-Heje, J. (1996) 'Diffusion and Adoption of Information Technology', Chapman & Hall, Melbourne, 1996
Kaye, R and Little, SE (1996) 'Global business and cross-cultural information systems: Technical and institutional dimensions of diffusion' Information Technology and People, Vol 9, 1996
King, J.L., Gurbaxani, V., Kraemer, L.K., McFarlan, W.F., Raman, S.K., Yap, S.C. (1994) 'Institutional factors in information technology innovation' Information Systems Research, Vol. 5., No. 2. June 1994
Kwon, T. H. and R. W. Zmud (1987) 'Unifying the Fragmented Models of Information Systems Implementation' in Critical Issues in Information Systems Research. J. R. Boland and R. Hirshheim. New York, John Wiley, pp. 227-251
Larsen T.J. (1986-) 'Information Systems Innovation and Diffusion Studies', at
Larsen, T.J. and McGuire E. (Eds.) (1998) 'Information Systems Innovation and Diffusion: Issues and Directions' Idea Group Publishing, via
Mustonen-Ollila E. (1998) 'Method Choice and Adoption: Using Diffusion of Innovations as the Theoretical Framework' Workshop Presentation at DIGIT98, December 1998
Prescott M.B. (1995) 'Diffusion of Innovation Theory: Borrowings, Extensions, and Modifications from IT Researchers', Database Volume 26, Numbers 2 & 3, 1995, Special Issue of Technological Diffusion of Innovations, Abstract at
Prescott M.B. & Conger S. (1995) 'Information Technology Innovations: A Classification by IT Locus of Impact and Research Approach', Database Volume 26, Numbers 2 & 3, 1995, Special Issue of Technological Diffusion of Innovations, Abstract at
Premkumar G. & Potter M. (1995) 'Adoption of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Technology: An Innovation Adoption Perspective', Database Volume 26, Numbers 2 & 3, 1995, Special Issue of Technological Diffusion of Innovations, Abstract at
Ruppel C.P. & Harrington S.J. (1995) 'Telework: An Innovation Where Nobody is Getting on the Bandwagon?', Database Volume 26, Numbers 2 & 3, 1995, Special Issue of Technological Diffusion of Innovations, Abstract at
Sipior J. and Sanders G.L. (1994) 'Factors Associated with the Adoption of a Specific DSS by Individuals' Journal of Management Systems, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1994
Smith, G. & Hefley, W. (1989) 'Understanding the Adoption of Ada: A Field Study Report', Technical Report, Software Engineering Institute, at
Straub, D.W. (1994) 'The effect of culture on IT diffusion: E-mail and Fax in Japan and the U.S.' Information Systems Research, March 1994
Swanson, E. B. (1994). "Information Systems Innovations Among Organizations." Management Science, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 1069-92
Tanriverdi H. & Iacono C.S. (1999) 'Toy or Useful Technology? The Challenges of Diffusing Telemedicine in Three Boston Hospitals' Annals of Cases on Information Technology & Management in Organizations, Vol. 1, 1999, ISSN: 1098-8580, pp. 1-13
Tom McMaster's from the University of Salford (UK)
"Karl Heinz Kautz" <>
Richard Veryard <>
"Tom McMaster" <>
"Robert G. Fichman" <>
"O'Flaherty, Brian" <>
William E Hefley <>
Erja Mustonen-Ollila <>
"Lawrence Sanders" <> (Bob GALLIERS)
"Jeanette Van Akkeren" <>
Hargo Utomo <>
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Created: 6 December 1998
Last Amended: 7 December 1999, one reference added 6 October 2000, IFIP WG 8.6 URL amended 20 September 2001
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Created: 6 December 1998 - Last Amended: 7 December 1999, one reference added 6 October 2000, IFIP WG 8.6 URL amended 20 September 2001 by Roger Clarke - Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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