The Haskins and Adjacent Families

This is part of Roger Clarke's Family Web-Site.

It provides details of the family of my paternal grandmother, i.e. the mother of my father Tony and of Anne Kratzmann's father Fred:

This substantial set of pages shows what we know of the Haskins and adjacent lines:

Here are what I call the 'Family Webs' for my and Anne's great-grandparents:

The locations of the Haskins forebears were as follows:

Edward Anthony (Tony) Clarke (b. 1919) – son of a Haskins

Other Haskinses

Here is information about the famous Minnie Louise Haskins (1875-1957).

The line of Haskins that gave rise to the sometime large accountancy firm Deloitte Haskins & Sells arrived in the USA in 1728 when a Robert Haskins migrated from England to Boston. The famous member of the clan was Charles Waldo Haskins, who was born in Brooklyn on 11 Jan 1852, the son of Waldo Emerson Haskins, a New York banker (related to Ralph Waldo Emerson). In 1886, Charles set up his own accounting business in New York City, and went on to found Haskins & Sells. (See Delloite's 'Leaders and Shapers' Page). The US CPA Journal refers to Charles as The CPA Profession's First Statesman, as he was the founding president of the New York State Society of CPAs from 1897 until his death in 1903.


Much of the information on the site results from my own research, but almost all of the hard work on the older Haskins lines was undertaken by Peter Haskins, particularly in the period 1985-90. Some of the genealogical work was undertaken by Anne Kratzmann from about 2002. Trisha Bennett (once she discovered us in February 2008) has added lots more.

Most of the analysis and text is my responsibility alone. Given the scale of the effort involved, it inevitably contains lots of errors. Please advise me of any errors that are problematical and need to be fixed!! And please feel free to provide additional information about the clan.

This is the home-page of the Haskins Branch, which is a sub-site within Roger Clarke's Family Web-Site

Contact: Roger Clarke

Created: 27 December 2005; Last Amended: 27 February 2008, 15 August 2016 (locations of Haskinses)