Australian Computer Society – Constitutional Reform Working Group

Round 2 - Elements of a Constitutional Document

Version of 21 January 2022

This document lists important Elements of a constitutional document, and links to the Question List. That in turn links to the Consultation Document.

You can respond to some Questions and leave others alone. You can respond to them in any order that suits you. And you don't need to do everything in one sitting.

1. ACS as a Professional Society

1.1 Nature and Values
1.2 Membership
Professional - Non-Professional - Changes - Dispute Resolution - Member Communications

2. ACS Activities

2.1 Scope
2.2 Mission
Formulation - Embedment
2.3 Purposes of the Society
Alignment - Adaptation - Embedment
2.4 Key Functions
Definition - Member Involvement

3. ACS Additional Activities

Criteria - Support for Professional Activities - Engagement - Functional Separation

4. ACS Internal Structures

4.1 National Structures
Powers and Funding for Panels - The Set of Panels - Other National Groups - Accountability - ACS as Umbrella
4.2 Regional Structures
Powers - Chapters and SIGs - Accountability - Branch Management - Minimum Services

5. The ACS Governing Committee

5.1 The Model
Choice of Model - Functions - Composition and Elections
5.2 Composition
Eligibility - Qualifications and Experience - Term Limits - Committee Size - Supplementary Appointments - CEO as Member - Obligations of a Member
5.3 The Electoral Scheme
Elements - Voting Rights - Staff-Members' Voting Rights
5.4 Effective Accountability Measures
Criteria - Transparency - Engagement - Branch Committee Motions
Member Ratification - Member Approval - Removal - G.M. Triggering Thresholds - Committee Minutes
5.5 The Matters of Greatest Importance to Members
Subject to Member Approval - Subject to Member Ratification

6. Possibly Non-Controversial Elements