Roger Clarke's 'History of I.S. in Australia'
Version of 12 November 2007
This file contains Appendix 4 to the paper
Retrospective on the Information Systems Discipline in Australia'
Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, 2005-07
Available under an AEShareNet licence or a Creative
Commons licence.
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This Appendix identifies individuals who are known to have occupied full
professorial posts in Australia, and whose background and role appeared to
place considerable weight on Information Systems. It was compiled during
2005-06 and revised in early 2007 with further edits in late 2007. It reflects
the period up to early 2007. The confidence-level is moderate, both at an
individual and an aggregate level.
In summary:
- in early 2007, the current count appeared to be 52 Professors in 28 of the
42 widely-recognised universities in Australia, although 5 of the 52 could be
argued not to be Professors in IS;
- a total of 70 individuals have been identified as having held Chairs, in
32 of the 42 institutions, although 6 could be argued not to be or have been
Professors in IS;
- the first 18 Chairs appear to have been created between 1974 and 1995, as
- 1974 (UNSW), 1981 (UQ), 1987 (Curtin), 1990 x 5 (Monash x3, UNSW, UQ),
1991 (UNSW), 1992 (Tasmania), 1993 x 4 (AGSM, Griffith, MGSM, QUT), 1994 x 2
(Bond, Wollongong), 1995 x 2 (Macquarie, CSU)
The three sections of this Appendix are:
- an explanation of the basis on which the information was compiled;
- a list of institutions, showing people known to have held full
Professorships there;
- a list of people known to have held full Professorships in IS, by surname,
with such information as is known about their appointment(s).
The starting-point for this collection was the Australian and Asia-Pacific
Directories (Clarke 1988, 1991, Gable & Clarke 1994, 1996). It is of the
nature of both the early, printed Directories and the self-maintained
Online Directory since 1995, that both omissions and mis-classifications
occur. The proportion of IS Professors who have established and maintained
their own entries is very low (only 33/70). A (D) indicates that the person
had an entry in the Directory in March 2007 and a (NO) means there was no
The universities include all of the 38 that are members of Universities
Australia (until 2007 known as the AVCC), together with 4 further institutions
generally accepted as being universities.
Appointments in cognate disciplines such as Accounting and Computer Science
have been included, where the author judged the association with the IS
community to be significant. One person listed has indicated that he no longer
feels a close affinity with the IS discipline (Jeffery in Empirical Software
Engineering). At least 5 people would be regarded by some as being adjacent to
IS rather than within IS (Gaffikin in Accountancy, Henderson-Sellers in
Software Engineering, Newton in Computer Science / OR, Orlowska in Database and
Data Management, Yetton in Management and Decision Making).
The list does not include any of the following: Associate Professors,
Visiting Professors, Adjunct Professors and Professorial Fellows (unless known
to be full-time for an extended period). The intention is to identify
long-term, full-time positions, and the people who are in them, or have been in
The years shown are only those during which the person is known to have held a
Chair - it is a list of Professors, not an attempt to show each person's full
career. This Appendix includes the corrections and updates that were
communicated to the author in response to a request for comment distributed to
a large number of people in early 2007.
Underlining indicates that the appointment was current in early 2007.
- ACU (-)
- Adelaide (-)
- ADFA - 2001 - Newton (1)
- AGSM - 1993, 2001 - Yetton, Vitale (1)
- ANU - 2001 - Gregor (1)
- Ballarat (-)
- Bond - 1994, 2003 - Goldsworthy, Morrison, Finnie (2)
- Canberra (-)
- CDU - 2004 - Lueg, Haynes (1)
- CSU - 1995 - Cornish, Poon (-)
- CQU - 2000 - Hovenga (1)
- Curtin - 1987, 1996, 2002 - Galliers, Pervan, Lloyd,
Chang (3)
- Deakin - 2000, 2002 - Swatman P.A., Corbitt, Castleman,
Warren (2)
- ECU - 1997 - Burn, Standing (1)
- Flinders (-)
- Griffith - 1993 - Cecez-Kezmanovic, Davies, Gammack, Eklund (1)
- James Cook (-)
- La Trobe (-)
- Macquarie - 1995, 1997, 1998 - Jordan, Johnson, Offen
- Melbourne - 1996, 1997, 2000 - Vitale, Morrison, Sonenberg,
Ferguson, Shanks (3)
- Melbourne GSM - 1993, 1999 - Vitale, Weill (-)
- Monash - 1990, 1990, 1990 - Arnott, Steele, Juliff, Dooley,
Shanks, Weber (3)
- Murdoch (-)
- Newcastle - 2000 - Aisbett (1)
- UNE (-)
- UNSW - 1974, 1990, 1991 - Brookes, Jeffery, Lawrence, Low,
Cavaye, Cecez-Kezmanovic (4)
- Notre Dame - 2000 - Glasson (-)
- Queensland - 1981, 1990 - Weber, Orlowska, Green (2)
- QUT - 1993, 1999 - Papazoglou, Gable, Underwood, Rosemann (2)
- RMIT - 2003, 2007 - Swatman, Corbitt, Smith (2)
- UniSA - 2002, 2003, 2003 - Koronios, Swatman, Swatman
- SCU - 2000 - Cavaye, Murugesan (1)
- USQ - 2007 - Toleman (1)
- Sunshine Coast - 2003 - Fitzgerald (1)
- Swinburne - 2000 - Grant (1)
- Sydney - 1998, 2002, 2002 - Patrick, Elliot, O'Connor
- Tasmania 1992, 1999 - Leech, Keen, Marshall, Lueg (2)
- UTS - 1990, 1998 - Hawryszkiewycz, Henderson-Sellers (2)
- VU - 2002, 2002 - McGrath, Zeleznikow (2)
- UWA (-)
- UWS - 1998 - Cecez-Kezmanovic (-)
- Wollongong - 1988, 1994 - Gaffikin, Winley, Eklund (2)
Underlining indicates that the appointment was current in early 2007.
- Janet AISBETT (NO) - Uni Newcastle, 2000?-
- David ARNOTT [7] (NO) - Monash, 1990-
- Cyril BROOKES [1] (NO) - UNSW 1974-1994
- Janice BURN (D) - ECU, 1997-2005?
- Tanya CASTLEMAN (D) - Deakin, 2002-
- Angele CAVAYE (D) - SCU 2000-2002?, UNSW, 2002?-
- Dubravka CECEZ-KEZMANOVIC (D) - Griffith, 1993-97?, UWS
1998?-2002?, UNSW 2002?-
- Elizabeth CHANG (NO) - Curtin, 2002?-
- Brian CORBITT (NO) - VUW 1998?-2000?, Deakin 2000?-2003?,
RMIT, 2003?-
- Brian CORNISH (NO) - CSU, 1995?-2000?
- Lynda DAVIES (NO) - Griffith, 1995?-2000?
- Laurence DOOLEY (D) - Monash, 2000?-
- Peter EKLUND (D) - Griffith 1998-2002, Wollongong, 2004-
- Steve ELLIOT (NO) - Sydney, 2002?-
- Colin FERGUSON (D) - Melbourne, 2004-
- Gavin FINNIE (NO) - Bond, 2005-
- Ed FITZGERALD (D) - Sunshine Coast, 2003-
- Guy GABLE (D) - QUT, 1999?-
- Michael GAFFIKIN (D) - Wollongong, 1988 (Accountancy)-
- Bob GALLIERS [3] (NO) - WAIT/Curtin, 1987-88
- John GAMMACK (D) - Griffith, 2000-
- Bernie GLASSON (D) - Notre Dame, 2000-2003?
- Ashley GOLDSWORTHY (NO) - Bond, 1994?-1999?
- Doug GRANT (D) - Swinburne, 2000?-
- Peter GREEN (NO) - UQ, 2002?-
- Shirley GREGOR (D) - ANU, 2001-
- Igor HAWRYSZKIEWYCZ [6] (NO) - UTS, 1990-
- John HAYNES (NO) - CDU, 2005?-
- Brian HENDERSON-SELLERS (NO) - UTS, 1998?-
- Evelyn HOVENGA (D) - CQU, 2000?-
- Ross JEFFERY [4] (NO) - UNSW, 1990-
- Michael JOHNSON (D) - Macquarie, 1997?-
- Ernest JORDAN (D) - Macquarie, 1998?-
- Peter JULIFF [7] (NO) - Monash, 1990-1997?
- Chris KEEN (NO) - UTas, 1999-2007
- Andy KORONIOS (D) - UniSA, 2002-
- Michael LAWRENCE [10] (NO) - UNSW, 1991-2004?
- Stewart LEECH [11] (NO) - UTas, 1992-2000, Melbourne, 2000-
- Ashley LLOYD (NO) - Curtin, 2002-
- Christopher LUEG (D) - CDU, 2004-2005, Tasmania, 2005-
- Graham LOW (D) - UNSW, 1998?-
- Michael McGRATH (D) - VU, 2002-
- Peter MARSHALL (D) - Tasmania, 2001-
- Iain MORRISON (NO) - UniMelb, 1997?-2003?, Bond 2003?-
- San MURUGESAN (D) - Southern Cross, 2002-
- Charles NEWTON (NO) - ADFA, 2001?-
- Marcus O'CONNOR (NO) - Sydney, 2002?-
- Raymond OFFEN (NO) - Macquarie, 1995?-
- Maria ORLOWSKA [5] (NO) - UQ, 1990-
- Mike PAPAZOGLOU (NO) - QUT, 1993?-1999?
- Jon PATRICK (D) - Sydney, 1998-
- Graham PERVAN (NO) - Curtin, 1996-
- Simpson POON (D) - CSU, 2001?-2004?
- Michael ROSEMANN (D) - QUT, 2004-
- Graeme SHANKS (NO) - Monash, 2003-2006, Melbourne 2006-
- Ross SMITH (D) - RMIT, 2007-
- Liz SONENBERG (D) - Melbourne, 2001?-
- Craig STANDING (D) - ECU, 2003?-
- Phillip STEELE [7] (NO) - Monash, 1990-2001?
- Paul A. SWATMAN (NO) - Deakin 1997-2000, SIMT in Germany,
2000-2003, UniSA, 2003-
- Paula M.C. SWATMAN (D) - RMIT 1998-2000, Koblenz 2000-2003,
UniSA, 2004-
- Mark TOLEMAN (NO) - USQ 2007-
- Alan UNDERWOOD (D) - QUT, 2004-2006
- Michael VITALE (D) - UniMelb, 1996-1999?, Melb GSM 1999?-2001?,
AGSM, 2001?-
- Matthew WARREN (NO), Deakin, 2004-
- Ron WEBER [2] (D) - UQ 1981-2004, Monash 2004-
- Peter WEILL (NO) - Melbourne GSM, 1993-2002?, MIT 2002?-
- Graham WINLEY (NO) - UWoll, 1994-2002
- Philip YETTON (NO) - AGSM, 1993-2006
- John ZELEZNIKOW (D) - VU, 2002-
Created: 11 March 2005 -
Last Amended: 12 November 2007
by Roger Clarke
- Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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