BHS Shield (Image Missing!)

Graham Duldig

After finishing Senior, I accepted a State Government scholarship with the Main Roads Department. One of the requirements of the scholarship was that I attend college at the brand new Capricornia Institute of Advanced Education, the forerunner of the University of Central Queensland.

Therefore, at the beginning of 1967, while many of my Senior classmates headed south to Brisbane, I headed north to Rockhampton. After two years, my class of civil engineering students (five in all) transferred to Toowoomba (DDIAE) to complete our degrees.

I commenced work at Main Roads in Bundaberg in January 1971. Every second weekend throughout 1971 found me travelling to Toowoomba to court Lyn Franke who was studying accountancy at DDIAE. We were married in February 1972 and were blessed with our first daughter Rebecca in February 1976.

In their wisdom, Main Roads transferred me to Winton at the beginning of 1978 and not long after our arrival in Winton, we had twin daughters, Katherine and Emma.

After 3 years western service, Main Roads transferred me back to Bundaberg at my request at the beginning of 1981. I have been working in the Bundaberg office ever since. The first 25 years of my career in Main Roads saw me involved in the planning, design and construction of numerous road and bridge projects in the Bundaberg/Maryborough/Hervey Bay area. So if anyone ever came driving with me, I could point out what involvement I had in numerous road and bridge projects around this area. But that would be pretty uninteresting.

In the last 10 or so years, I have moved more into the management area but I still thoroughly enjoy getting involved in engineering issues.

I have no immediate retirement plans as I reason that (1) you can’t afford to do very much overseas travel on your superannuation and (2) I would quickly go around the twist if I didn’t have a challenge each day. My hobby of home brewing could lead to big problems if I retired to follow my hobbies and interests.

On the family front, two of my daughters (the twins) live in Brisbane. Emma (pharmacist) is engaged to be married early next year and Katy (pharmacy assistant) is still waiting for the right chap to come along. Bec (an accountant like her mum) has recently moved to Sydney with her partner so some trips to Sydney are planned.

I am looking forward to the reunion but with some trepidation as I have not met many of the prospective attendees since the end of Senior.

Created: 29 June 2006 - Last Amended: 29 June 2006 by Roger Clarke - Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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