BHS Shield (Image Missing!)

Gladys Zegers

I joined the RAAF for six years after I left Bundy High and was mostly based in Victoria. One of those years I spent overseas on leave living in England and managed to travel around Europe.

After that I came back to Australia, where I worked in an office in Sydney for a number of years and then took off to travel around Asia – Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Afghanistan, etc ending up by working in Tehran for a couple of years. Tehran was a place from which I would travel to Egypt, Jordan and Bahrain and Greece.

In Tehran I was engaged to and nearly married an Irish lad. I set up a health food shop in Ireland in a lovely little town. I call these times my gypsy years.

Unfortunately the pull of Australia was too strong and came back to Brisbane where I met my daughter’s (Alexa) dad and had a beautiful daughter. We moved to Canberra with his work and consequently I went to study at the University in Canberra and was working in the health field for a while after graduating.

Since 1999 I’ve been working in Airservices Australia in the Corporate Voice area.

Created: 1 August 2006 - Last Amended: 6 August 2006 by Roger Clarke - Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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