BHS Shield (Image Missing!)

Aileen Lawrence

I joined the Navy where I met Ian.

Got married had 2 children Jodie 37 and Glen 35. Jodie has 2 children Jack nearly 12 and Sally nearly 9. Glen has Mitch 4, and one due in the first week of October. He and his wife live in Brisbane and Jodie lives not far from us.

After the kids got old enough I worked in a clothes shop before giving that up to help Ian and his brother in their business. They have a mobile coolroom hire business.

That was 27 or so years ago that was only supposed to be 'till they got office staff, but I hope to retire from that in the next year or so, with any luck.

Created: 14 July 2006 - Last Amended: 14 July 2006 by Roger Clarke - Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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